
First time gong to a concert?

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I am going to a Jonas Brothers concert on August 15th.

I need to know some stuff because I have never been to a concert before.

1. What should I bring?

2. what shouldn't I bring?

3. How much $ should I bring? I want a T-Shirt maybe a CD, IDK.

Its at Darin Lake.......I am excited!!! YAY!

Thank you!




  1. Bring a water bottle for sure. Everything at concerts is ridiculously over-priced. Since it's a just a Jonas Brothers concert doesnt really seem like you'd need anything else (besides essentials like your ticket and cell phone) . It'll be mild. Bring at least 30 bucks if you plan on buying something.

  2. Well since its Jonas Brothers.. I bet it will be pricey.

    Bring : Your ticket...Your cell phone / 40$ (for a shirt and water..etc.) I reccomend buying the cd at a store where its cheaper like target.

    Do not bring: Very expensive vaulables (things that you can lose or get stolen) do not bring drugs or weapons...youll b spendin time in jail and not the show.

    thats all i can think of for now.

  3. Since its Jonas Brothers everyone there is going to be an annoying screaming ten year old girl.. So bring some Mace to fend back the masses, bring your cell phone, some water, your ticket, about a hundred bucks, since they over charge for everything(more so because is pop) and dont bring expensive stuff.

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