
First time lacrosse player...?

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i've wanted to play lacrosse for a couple years now and my school is finally getting a team this spring. but since i've never i have no clue how i should start training for it (i play volleyball in the fall) or what kind of equipment i should be looking at. can anyone tell me what i should start doing?? information is much appreciated =)

***i have problems with my knee so for now i'm working on strengthening it until i can run again so for now running is out of the picture***




  1. Well, you might want to be careful with your knee, because lacrosse has alot of running, especially if you're playing field lacrosse, which I believe you are talking about.

    I don't know about the training aspect, you could look in a big bookstore, or google it.

    You definitely need a helmet, Cascade is a good brand, but a little pricey. And a stick. There are many different kinds of shafts, light ones, heavy ones, wood ones, aluminum ones, so really you need to test them out. You could ask people you know who play if you can play around with their stick for a little bit, or go to a lacrosse shop. The one near me has an enclosure with a goal and boards where you can test the stick before you buy.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you google lacrosse help or lax help you could find some info. Also, try Wikipedia,, and google lacrosse forums. You might find some players able to help more than me.

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