
First time mom, potty training question...?

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My daughter is 23 months old, and I am potty training her. She knows what she is doing and she knows that what she needs to do. I praise her every time she does go pee on the potty, but she hates going pee on the potty. She screams and just doesn't want to sit down. I've tryed bribing her with every candy I thought she's like, and I've tryed bribing her with toys ad oter things but nothing seems to work. Am I doing something wrong? Should I not be potty training her now? I don't know. All I know is that she is smart enough to know when she pees and where she needs to do it, and she can hold it for hours on end. advice?




  1. If she likes books, try to get a book "Time to go" (if I'm not wrong), it with Elmo. The boy, whom I was babysitting loved it.

    And maybe, she will love the real toilet, just get her small sit, which you can fix on the sitting place.

    It worked for us.

    Good luck!

  2. If you are asking if this age is too young, I would say not. If she is ready then she is ready. My daughter is 16months and is almost completely potty trained.

    This goes for most things, children all develop at a different rate and some will be ready before others.

  3. I think that offering rewards is a great idea...if it works.

    Maybe you should start taking things away from her when she doesn't do what you ask, like her favorite toy or possibly a planned park trip. Don't just say your going to do it, though, and then not follow through. Children catch on fast with that one :)

  4. Believe it or not, some kids are scared to go to the toilet. They actually see going to the toilet as losing something that may be important (don't laugh, I have had this discussion with many a health professional). The important thing is not to put pressure on. Perhaps she is not quite ready. Just keep perservering with her gently. Have you tried the good old rewards chart?? Worked a treat with my little one. (except when he wised up  and just releaes a little bit of wee at a time just to get more gold stars - where do kids learn this stuff.

    Good Luck - there are some great websites out there re toilet training.

  5. i do not have kids but i am a nanny! i just potty trained a 15 month old and a 3 year old in one week! buy cool cute underwear let them pick them out! get one of those little cute potty seats and if you put a diaper on them at night ONLY!!!!! put the underwear one first the diaper so they still get the underwear feeling! and i took both boys every 30 minutes! it was kinda a game! make it fun!! you will feel real silly but it will be fun!! i sit down in the bathroom and pretend to push with him !! (p**p p**p) that is! and if none of that works make them sit there till they go they will go !! then make a huge deal out of it!!

  6. It just depends on your child and when THEY feel that they are ready. My son's pediatrician said that the more you push them the more likely they are to push back and not want to do it. When they are ready they will do it. You have to let them feel like they are doing it on their own. It's an independence thing. Another thing that worked with my son is letting him pick out his favorite underwear. We went to the store and he picked out Mickey Mouse underwear. I used them to my advantage and said things like "we don't want to pee on Mickey okay". You just have to figure out what works for her and let her feel like she has some control over the situation. I feel for you. Good luck!

  7. Maybe she is not ready, both my girls were just before their thrid birthday.  My youngest daughters was a total nightmare and the only way I got her out of nappies, was by saying Tescos didnt have any nappies left so she would have to use the potty.  On the first day she held on to her wee all day, but eventually she gave in (she is very stubborn!)  But I wouldnt push your daughter because she is still quite young, my daughter was just playing me and I knew it.  Good luck.

  8. I am on my third potty trainer...all are different. I think some kids are just comfortable in their diapers. Be patient. Maybe take her everytime you go and make her feel like a big girl. With my last we tried and had to take a couple months off because she was refusing. Then she pretty much suprised us with wanting to do it on her own.

  9. shes just not ready, yet, our first is now 3.5 been using the potty for #1 for over a year with no nighttime accidents, #2 was a whole other story she just last week has started being consistant and using it for that prior she would ask for a pull up. point is it takes time and patience and don't ever force it. and don't punish or take things away. your doing great the fact that she know what to do is huge sometimes its easy to miss little things like this but she understand the concept of what going to the potty is and that a great start.

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