
First time mom induced but sent home HELP!!!?

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was scheduled for an inducement yesterday with a completely shut closed hard cervix after 6 prostaglandin gel treatments i was 50% and 1centimeter anybody have any suggestions or input just anything im a first time mom and just need some input on wuts goin on here

your experiences????

thank you




  1. You can actually be dilated to 1 or 2 sometimes even 3, and still be home. If you start having contractions in a regular pattern and getting more intense then you probably need to call your OB. If your water breaks you should always go straight to the hospital.  

  2. Unfortunately an induction attempt, whether it be medical or natural, simply doesn't always work if both mom and baby aren't ready for labor to begin.  Is there a medical concern for either you or the baby?  If not, the best thing you can do is simply wait on your body and your baby to do what they are designed to do and that is go into labor when the time is right.  Especially with a cervix showing no signs of impending labor, the chances an induction will work are less than if there was some effacement or dilation present.  Some doctors will recommend doing lots of walking and having s*x to help things along, but the chances of these working aren't guaranteed either.  I am mom to 4 who were all born past their due dates by 9 days, 11 days, 5 days, and 7 days.  I was not too keen on being induced unless medically necessary so I was fortunate to have a doctor who agreed that was the best way to go.  We began to think about at least doing a non-stress test with my second baby when he decided to come on his own before my appointment.  Even with my youngest I was 38 years old and had Gestational Diabetes, but still went to 41 weeks before my team of doctors suggested we at least try a prostoglandin gel insertion.  I had no signs of effacement of dilation just before I had the insertion done.  I ended up having a bad reaction to the gel and began having 6 minute contractions which sent my baby's heart rate alarmingly low.  7 1/2 hours after the insertion she was born.  I had simply gone for my regular appointment and ended up delivering without anything with me except my purse and what the hosptial provided.  If I had it to do all over again, I would have asked the doctors to let me go a bit longer before interferring.  My baby was doing well and so was I so other than precautionary reasons there was no medical reason for the insertion.  I understand your anxiousness about getting your baby out, but it may be that it just isn't the right time yet since the induction didn't work.  It happens sometimes.  You will go into labor on your own soon enough or if induction is medically necessary you will go through the induction again and it will work when it is time.

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