
First time mommy, not sure what to do?

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I just found out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant. It wasn't really expected but we are extremely happy!

I'm trying to do as much research as possible on pregnancy and child care.

Does anyone have any good links with lots of information?

Also I haven't made my first doctor app yet, mainly because I'm confused on where to go and what to do?

I'm so excited! but also kind of confused on what to do so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. first of all call and obstetrician or gynecologist tell them you just found out you are pregnant , they will ask when was the day of your last period, and they will give you a date to come in.

    here is a site to offer some tips:


  2. Congrats! Some great websites:

    I also think a pregnancy book is a good idea, it gives you answers to many common questions. I really liked the "Your pregnancy week-by-week" it was great because it is broken down by week and it is easier to digest than "What to expect..."

    In terms of finding a dr- ask women you know (friends, women you work with) to reccomend an OB/GYN. When you call, let them know you are pregnant and the first day of your LMP (last period). They will get you all set up for an appointment.

    Make sure that you are on your pre-natal vitamins and getting lots of rest!

  3. Well you need to set up an appointment with the ob/gyn first they will do a urine test to confirm pregnancy then they will give you a thorough exam so go prepared to strip from the waste down

  4. Go to There you will get week by week information about the development of the baby. also if you register with them they will send you emails every week about your baby.

    About your first doctor's visit. Go to your insurance company's website and find out the participating doctors. Also some way or the other try to find out which is the hospital you want to deliver into. Find the nearest and a good one. Ask the doctor you select which hospital he or she is associated with. And accordingly select the doctor if you don't already have one.  


    these two are my favourite.  

  6. is a good site. and you book in at your doctors for a midwife appointment, a midwife will come to your doctors surgery to see you. good look xx

  7. you could just google pregnancy im sure lots will come up...there is also a good book called your pregnancy week by really need to find an OBGYN if you dont already have one and make an apt cause they can inform you and answer all your questions...also go get some over the counter pre natal vitamins!! this is so important in the first trimester!!! good luck to you and congrats!!!!! =)

  8. First you should decide if you want to have an OBGYN or a Midwife. Then you can look online at the ones near you - some sites have reviews from patients - that help with deciding. I love the website -, a great book is What to Expect When Expecting

  9. Your gynecologist can usually give you a good reference on obstetricians.

    You should check out websites like:

    Good Luck and happy and healthy Nine months!!

  10. or are two good sites.

    You set up the appointment with an OB/GYN in your area, I would call now, they typically wont see you until you are 6-8 weeks along, but it's good to call and set up the appointment asap.

    Good luck and congrats!  

  11. once you get to your doc, they'll give u information, and pamphlets etc, in the meanitime....lay off the fish (any mercury products)- NOOO IBUPROFEN OR ASPIRIN, just tylenol...........minial coffee /caffeine or decaff.....try to avoid cold cut meats, or any cheeses/food sitting out at parties....NO kitty litter changing out if you have cats!! big NO NO.

    u can look on YAHOO answers pregnancy section for all kinds of things..just type in some key words..or as others listed, get a book like, what to expect when your expecting..CONGRATS TO YOU ALL!!!

  12. Congratulations!! is a great source of information for expectant mothers.  They even have a tool to help you create a birthplan to use during your delivery.

    Do you know how many weeks along you are.  If so, call the doctor & make an appointment, expect the following at your first appt:

    -They will have you fill out forms about your medical history.

    -They will ask you for a urine sample

    -They will weight you & give you an expected due date based on the  dates you give them of your last period.

    -They will do an internal exam to make sure that the baby is measuring correctly & there are no infections.

    -Depending on how many weeks you are they will try to find the heartbeat & schedule for some blood work to be done.

    **They will schedule you to come back every 4 weeks until you are 30 weeks, then they will see you every two weeks & at 35 weeks they will see you once a week until the baby is born.

    **Good Luck with everything**

  13. Get the book , "What to expect when I'm expecting"

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