I will be honest, I did have s*x with my boyfriend on day 13 of taking the pill and we didn't use protection.
I have read the pill takes one week to become active so I think I will be alright, but if I don't come on my period does it mean I am pregnant?
However I have also read that the pill, the first time you take it,doesn't always bring a period on first time round and its quite normal to miss a period, as your body is still getting used to it.
I also started as soon as I got the pill I didn't wait till my next period, to start taking them, because I have irregularregualr periods, I used to only have them three times a year, so I would have had to wait months and months, and so I took them stright away when getting them.
Can you give me any advise or thouhts on this? As I am worried a bit.