
First time playing rugby?

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So basically im really intereted in playing on my mens rugby team at college, but im kinda scraed just becuase i dont kno anybody and apparenlty this is a really rough sport. I am a pretty husky guy but idk for some weird reason im just feling that anxiety about meeting new people who i dont kno, i mean ive browsed facebook a little and all of the guys on the team look like that macho guy look. A girl i kno just started playing and she loves it. I think id like it alot im just nevous of dieing,lol and ,basically the inital what shuld i do?




  1. Yes Rugby is tough but is also the place you will meet some of the best people on the planet.  It is a family of like minded hooligans that will knock you down in the mud and then jump in with you.  I played on mens side for many years and it is such a blast.  Wear your mouth guard, tape your ears and let it rip.  If all else fails pass the ball and run faster then everyone else.  However if your frightened you will hesitate and that gets dangerous. Dive right in and you will be fine.

  2. Before starting any new sport, find out all you can in  the time you have; learn the basic rules, the gear etc.

    Here's a basic intro to the game:

    For gear your first day, all you need is a mouthpiece.

    If you truly don't know anybody on the team, and you're reserved socially, resolve before you ever get to the pitch (field) that you're going to walk up to someone, introduce yourself and ask them to point you out the coach.   Put a smile on your face and introduce yourself to the coach.  Then be direct and honest.  "I don't know the game, but I want to learn.  I don't mind working hard and I don't mind getting dirty.  How can I start?"

    After that, do what you're told, pay attention, try hard, never whine, introduce yourself to everybody, and be the last one off the field; that will quickly earn you a lot of respect and acceptance, regardless of how much you actually contribute to the score.

    Finally, as a game for hooligans played by gentleman, what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch, and when the game is over both sides mingle and socialize, so stick around for that.

    Keep in mind, there's a position on the squad for every body type, so there's a place for you.

    Before long you'll be rucking, cheering, and swaggering with the best of them.  It's a rollicking good time.  Good Luck.

  3. You dont know till you try.  Rugby clubs have a strong reputation for being very warm and welcome to people that are new to the sport.  Just go to some practices, maybe play in a match or two, and you'll know if it's the right sport for you.

  4. Rugby is a great sport and most clubs are extremely warm to new players, experienced or not. Don't be nervous, just contact the guys and be ready to rock out on the pitch.

    Word of advice: if you're e-mailing them to find out information, don't pepper your content with things like 'LOL' and improperly spelled words like 'SHUD' and 'KNO'. That's chick stuff my man.

  5. i wouldnt worry about it like all sports once your accepted into the team you automatically become part of the guys. rugby is a great sport for creating bonds between people and most people that play the game have life long friends from it.

    it may take time initially to become part of the team until you play a match or 2 or until they see your tough enough to contribute to the team. rugby is not a place for bullies trust me. go out and have a laugh

  6. Rugby is one great game. More of a family game in the mold of cricket. I don't think you should be afraid of "getting bumped" a few times, because you will enjoy when you get to know the game and start giving a few bumps of your own.

    Seriously, rugby is a friendly sport all though it looks blood curdling on occasions.

  7. get someone to go with you, so the intrduction isnt as tense etc

  8. First time I played back in the day...on our side...we had two broken noses a broken collar bone and a broken arm in the first 20 minutes (played on frozen churned up south wales pitches). Up until that time..I had a romantic Johnathan Davies delusion (played no10) right up until 2 minutes in, when I was cleaned out by the back row..who used my face to wipe their feet on.

    Played the rest of the game like it was the last place on earth I wanted to be..and it was..

  9. If you really throw yourself into it you're less likely to get hurt, but you need to accept that if you play for a long time at some point you are going to break/dislocate something or get knocked out etc. I dislocated my arm in my third match but am still playing! You never really notice the injuries as much in the game situation because of the adrenalin. Also it is a great way to meet people because you are constantly occupied with training and therefore have a good topic for conversation! Low stress, great fun, I say just go for it!

  10. Just accept that it is a tough game and you'll be alright. There's no point trying to hide from it.

    That's the best part of Rugby imo. You can rip chunks out of each other on the field then shake hands and have a beer afterwards.

    If you're really that frightened don't even bother turning up.

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