
First time pregnant women...?

by  |  earlier

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Do first timers usually go early, carry to term, or go over there due date? (Just on an average)

I am due on my fathers bday and he really wants me to have the baby that day...but ya know its rare!




  1. I've always been told first timers are late. I'm really hoping my baby comes a week early so he can be home for Halloween...there are too many cute onesies out there right now!

  2. I've read the average first pregnancy goes 8 days over.

    Only 5% are born on their due date.

    Good luck!

  3. First timers tend to go late. My friend just had her first baby she went 2 weeks early

  4. usually with first babies they are overdue although there will be some women who have their early on right on time, everyone is different. you will probably get a good idea towards the end as your midwife will start to notice if there are any changes and if the baby is on their way yet. dont worry your baby will come when theyre ready.

  5. My first came a day before his due date.

    My second came 5 days after her due date.

    It's different for everyone.

  6. first timers usually go late but my doctor plans for that and she lets you pick a day to be induced anywhere after 39weeks. so if you want to be induced you could ask your doctor to induce you on your due date in case you don't go before that

  7. Everyone I know was about 3 days within there due date. Some of us had them 3 days b4 and some within the 3 days after. I was 2 days b4 my due date.  

  8. a harvard study showed that the average pregnancy (regardless of how many children you have had) lasts for 41 weeks and 1 day. some women are prone to preterm labor or having their babies a little early and some are prone to having them late. it doesn't have anything to do wtih first, second or third etc.

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