
First time tlkin 2 dad in my life?

by  |  earlier

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well i am 16yrs old and this is the first time ive ever talked to my dad. like i was so shocked. while i was talking to him (over the phone) my mum said how i was being rude to him. But can u blame me? she said how i should not disrespect him and how he is still my father. ok ok he is still my father but i feel like she is defending him. i didnt disrespect him. i gave him what he deserved. i never saw him in all my life. and actually i thought i was being very easy on him. and i dont like when ppl bs me.

now he wants me to send him some pictures of me but my mother is kinda skeptical of it. idk what to feel or what to do. my mother doesnt want to talk to him and he is going to call me back at 9:00. bcuz thats when my free minutes start.

so i guess my question is what should i do, feel, or say when he calls back. he is deported from the u.s.a. and can any1 relate to this situation im in?




  1. Be cordial and polite to him.  After all, I'm sure your mother raised you better than to be rude to people.  But as far as respecting him as your father goes, your mother was out of line to ask you to do that.  The man has not been a father to you in any way, shape, or form.  So treat him as you would any other strange man, but don't give him special treatment because he's your sperm donor.

  2. i can't relate but i can imagine .

    youhave every right to yell, scream, cry, etc... he wasnt' a part of your life and now wants to be?

    have him send you a pic first and then decide if you want to trust him or not.  

  3. Do you know why  your father never saw you.  I can't relate to the  situation if someone is deported, but I can  relate to the situation if the man was just too busy and you were not important enough for him to make the time to see you.  It depends on why he never saw you as you how you should react.  You really don't owe him anything, but he might surprise you and become a good dad now.  It's hard to tell in situations like this.  

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