
First time traveling to Europe, should I visit London or Ireland ?

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First time traveling to Europe, should I visit London or Ireland ?




  1. London is my 1st choice as there's a lot of significant things that you cound visit there dating from the ancient artifacts until the latest sciences & technologies discoveries.

  2. im going to both. im a student ambassador

  3. oh what a difficult choice!   You know,  it's incredibly cheap when you are in either one to hop Ryannair to the $29 one way if you don't go during peak hours?

    London for museums,  history,  fabulous touring,  the Thames Riverboat tours,  shows, shopping.

    Ireland for the lovely people you meet outside of the cities..Dublin's young nightlife,  Irish history including Trinity College area and Book of Kells....Dublin is the melting pot full of energy for Europe right now!  Also..we had great golf,  the beauty of the Irish Sea and cliffs..

    Last time I went to Europe...i again went to both..too difficult a choice to pick just one!

  4. London, I'm from Ireland and believe me its' worth it but London is first I think.

  5. i have never been to them but i'd say go 2 london it sounds better

  6. Ireland...... up and coming

  7. Depends on what you are looking for? Big city or the countryside? They both have so much to offer, it's like comparing apples to oranges.

    Time permitting, why not go to both?

  8. London

  9. I'm totally letting down my country here but go to London! it looks amazing and there's more people and probably better shopping than Dublin...Ireland's great too, go to both countries if you have the time

  10. While Ireland is more beautiful, more interesting, older archaeologically, and has more friendly people, you might want to visit London while you still can. Ireland is on the upswing economically and socially. The Irish have always been a smarter, friendlier, and more interesting people, and now that they are well away from their brutish masters (the English), they are flourishing as would be expected.

    On the other hand, England is being overrun by unsavory cultures (besides their own) and their economy is suffering severe set backs.

    Go to England and tell your children you saw it while it still existed.

  11. Visit both. They're both fantastic places.

  12. Ireland all they way!! London is just like every other city nasty people overcrowded and c**p. you would just be going to another city. you wanna go somewhere different go to Ireland you will be alot more welcome over here and you will get great experience wth amazing paople! trust me it will be a good idea to come over.

  13. ireland......dont mind curious george.....he knows nothing!!!!lol!!!if you want countryside go to irealnd if you want city....traffic...pollution...go to london....

  14. ireland

  15. London of course its more of a touristic place......

  16. london of course its way better than ireland,ireland  is too expensive and not as beautiful as london trust me i live in dublin and i would rather live in london

  17. Go to Ireland, it has a decade of history and a mile of magic for every year of its existence. Who can name another country in Europe with such mystifying tales and tragic history as this beautiful country. London will give you everything that any other European city can, but you will not leave it wanting more. Ireland will leave you spellbound.

  18. Depends on what you want to see. Here are the kind of things you can see in Ireland.

    In Dublin(city) splash tours dublin-its an exciting tour of the city.You go on borad a WW2 vehicle and let the costume guides tell you about the great sights .You then drive inton the Grand Canal Harbour to continue your tour by water.Don't worry,you won't get wet.departure points are 64-65 patrick street(close to St. Patricks Cathedral),St Stephen's Green are every 30 can buy tickets at departure points.there is 30% discounts off adult price for 10am tour only if booked at least one day in advance.

    2.Trinity College i.e. the book of kells-visit the world famous 8th century illuminated manuscript which features the 4 Gospels.The Libary's Long Room is also spectacular as it is 200 feet in length.It houses 200,000 of irelands most important prepared to queue but it goes fast.

    3-Dublin Castle-It was built between 1204 and 1224 and was the seat of English rule and goverment untill 1922.It is used for state functions and is open to the puplic.

    4.Ha'penny bridge-this is a well known and loved symbol of Dublin.It became known as the ha'penny bridge cos of the toll people used to be charged to walk across it.

    5-Dublin Writers Museum-it displays collections of rare editions used by artists.


    1.Kells-a tiny medival village in the Nore vally renowed of its beuty and authenticity.

    2-Killkenny City-visit the lovely city and its castle.


    1.Glendalough-the town has become one of the most visited sites fo wicklow.the 6 century manastic settlement is the most important of its kind in Ireland.Access to the site is free.


    1.Newgrange-a lovely passage tomb that was made in the megalithic have to go and see it if you are coming to ireland .also visit knowth and dowth.they are in the same place.


    1.Cork city-the city is great for can also go and see Shandon-north of the river lee,the shandon area represents corks eighteenth century status as the most important port in Europe dariy produts.

    St Annes Shandon-this can be seen anywhere in the city.climb the tower for breathtaking views and take the opportunity to ring the churchh bells.

    Cork City Gaol-its only a 30 mins walk from the city interactive tour takes you through teh prision.

    Cobh(in cork)

    1.The queenstown Story-2.5 million people sailed from cobh to america.the hertiage centre recalls this part of the history.

    Blarney(in cork)

    1.Blarney Castle-climb the castle and kiss the blarney stone which is said to give you the gift of the gab.


    1.the ring fo kerry-the 110-mile ring of kerry is famous for some of the most beutiful scenery in the can drive around in a day.a would take a bus tour if i were you but choose a good one.


    1.the cliffs of moher-they are without a doubt a spectaculr sight in the county.a 700ft drop of sheer cliff face of black shale and sandstone that together with the raging Atlantic below and the wheeling ,screaming birds in the sky provides one of the most hauting images found in sure not to be blown of the edge!!Stay back form the side.

    2.The Burren-this and area of unique natural beuty.miles of limestone slabls hide a myriad of undergroun rivers and lakes and above ground a huge varity of Artic,Alpine and Mediterranen plants can be found.DO NOT PICK ANY!!!!

    3.Bunratty-go to the folk park and live the experience of how life was in ireland.local women bake bread and spin wool in the reconstruced farmsteads by open fires.go the Bunratty Castle-mediaeval banquets are one of the main attractions at the beutifully restored Bunratty Castle.BOTH ARE A MUST SEE!!!


    1.Galway city-a lively spot people all over the globe come to this have to visit this city.

    2.Connemara-a vast area west of Galway City,has some of the most beutiful and dramatic scenery in ireland.It is a landscape of dry-stone walls,tiny fields and isilated framsteads

    3.Arran Islands-3 islands make up the group know as the Aran Islands;inismore (the largest),Inismaan and Inissheer (the smallest of the 3)The islands are an examle of the sucessful preservation of a culture and language that has largely resisted the changes of the 20th century.

    Ireland is a great country and there are loads more things to do.the above are just a few i could think of at the top of my head.I love ireland(and not just because i'm irish (and live in ireland)).i would suguest rent a car cos otherwise it will be impossible to see everything.

    The best out fo the bunch are i.e. the most memorable :

    viking splash tour

    book of kells (line may be long but if you go to ireland it is one of those things you have to do)


    Newgrange and knowth and dowth

    blarney castle

    ring of kerry(another must see)

    the cliffs of moher

    bunratty caslte

    the burren

    galway city

    the arran islands

    Here  is what you can see in London.

    1. The London eye

    2. The wax works museum

    3. Oxford street

    4. Covent gardens great for entertainment and shopping

    5. Lester square

    6. Piccadilly circus

    7. Science museum(sounds boring but you can playgames

    and everything.

    8. Natural museum

    9. Look at big Ben

    10. Westminster Abby

    11. Speakers corner in Hyde Park

    12. Buckingham Palace.(the state rooms are open from the 26th

    of july to the 24th of September,its worth a visit)

    13. Tower of London

    14. London Bridge

    15. Max(you can see 3d movies)

    16. London dungeons(WARNING ITS SCARY)

    17. Victoria and Albert museum

    18. Trafalgar square


    London is my favorite city in all time but seeing as I'm Irish I love Ireland. If I had to pick between Dublin and London I would have to pick London. But if it was between Ireland and London I would have to pick Ireland.

    I hope I have helped you and not confussed you.


  19. Why not go to both they are really close together.

  20. ignore anyone who says anywere but ireland london is a rat race so if ya want a race go to london if u want culture go to ireland

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