
First time using a skim board...?

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I just recently bought the one where it has like a foam top, so I don't have to wax it. this board was about $30, is that a normal price? the other one, where you do have to wax it, was about $20.

anyway, i got the idea of how to throw it and ride it but its harder than it looks. I go for like a couple of feet but then I lose my balance and fall. I fell HARD on my left leg, twice.

the lady told me to skim just as the water starts to break. what does that mean? can someone please tell me where and when is the best part to skim the water? (a picture link would help alot!) and how to balance myself, they say its like a skateboard stance.

plus, I think I'm afraid of falling. sand actually hurts!

thanks ahead =)




  1. I never used one

  2. what the lady means is that throw the board at the edge of where the water meets the sand and jump on

  3. hmm i've never seen a foam top skimboard... are you trying to skimboard with a boogie board? if you are then no wonder you're having soo much trouble.  there are basically two types of skimboard materials: the thin wooden ones (cheaper) and the much more expensive and thicker composite ones.  so first of all,, make sure that you're using a skimboard.

    the water breaking means (ill try to explain it as best i can): when the wave goes as high up the beach that its going to go and then startes going back down, thats when the water starts to break.  you want to launch the skimboard then and start running to get on it then.  you would want to launch it then because you go the fastest when there is just a thin layer of water over the sand.

    about your stance,, its whatever feels natural.  most people do the same as a skateboard stance but, take me for instance: i skateboard goofy (right foot forward) and skimboard with my left foot forward.  the only reason for this is because it feels natural.  

    how to get on the board:

    1. skim it along the water

    2. run after it

    3. jump on it WITH BOTH FEET (with which ever foot feels natural forward,,don't jump on the board with two feet forward cuz u'll probably slip and hit ur head on the ground)

    you WILL fall the first couple of times.  you SHOULD be afraid of falling cuz it DOES hurt.  my bro acutally broke his ankle when he did this so you can get hurt very easily.  but once you get good at it, you wont wanna stop

    good luck!

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