
First time voter...?

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This is my first year I'm eligible to vote. I don't want to vote unless I'm fully prepared to fill out the ballot completely and I refuse to go in there and "Christmas tree" it like an idiot friend of mine suggested. Can someone give me a website that helps first time voters? Or explain to me who/what I'm voting for aside from the president so that I can do my research.




  1. If you believe in humanity vote democrat. If you rather vote your wallet, vote republican. Republicans would rather kick the crutches from under crippled children than spend a dime to help them.

  2. The main thing is not to fall for the rhetoric and all the empty why would anyone attack the big oil companies with higher taxes? Its not like the big oil company is going to just say "Oh I am being taxed so I don't want to make money anymore". They are going to make money even if they have to raise prices to compensate for being attacked.

    Just be aware and educate yourself. Learn the history of each party and if you can find it, find the voting records of the senators that are running for the presidency. Usually their voting records will be the answer.

  3. If you want to become Communist. and have no freedom. Vote democrat! If you want some real change! Vote Republican!

  4. It depends on where you live. Check your local paper. You'll be voting on your US house member, maybe a US senator, possibly a governor, some state house and senate seats, some local seats. It really all depends on where you live.  

  5. Research, research, research.  This can not be more important.  You have your beliefs and maybe a base understanding of economics so you need to read as much as you can about all the choices.  You can go on the candidates web site but go further check their voting records, associations, etc.  Really dig.  Talk to your parents some for any help if you do not understand something.  But personal research is the best.  Watch who you listen to on the web most people are bias even me so do the work and you will be fine.  

    And you said idiot friend your right

    Sorry... Check for who is up for election in your state, county, and city.  Bills and millages that may be on the ballot.  Varies from place to place.

  6. Look into what they stand for.

    I would've recommended watching the debates.

    Now, youtube the conventions. Surely you'll find some good speeches on there.  

  7. Do your own research. Dont listen to any of this c**p throwing people are putting on each candidate. Vote for the candidate that has the most in common with your thoughts and beliefs.

  8. Do your own research and don't vote for a candidate because someone told you to do so...

    That's what democracy is all about...

    Go to each candidates web page, look at each for however long you can stand it, then make your decision.


    Everything else depends on what local elections your area is having. It all depends on where you live. Check our your local news stations for that information.

  9. Go and read the candidates' own web pages.  Get your information directly from the source, then make your own decision.
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