
First time voters: How many of you?

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are voting for Obama just to fit in with the crowd?




  1. I may be a first time voter but I've been interested in politics for several years, I spend my time reading both CNN and Fox News articles online, I watch CNN, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart (though the last 2 are mostly for fun XD) and of course I spend some time reading and answering blogs as well as the opinions of many people here on Y!A.

    I'd like to say I'm a highly INFORMED first time voter and I will be voting for Obama. ^_^

  2. Not me. Bush has screwed up the country enough, I know better than to vote for Bush III.

  3. millions, and young people don't take orders from anyone especially neo-con fascists.

  4. As a libertarian myself, i think its foolish to vote republican. I don't think this country can take another 4-8 years of benefiting the top 3-6% of the population. Change is good, I personally will be voting Obama, not to fit into the crowd, because in my opinion, and thats all it is, is an opinion, Obama is the lesser evil.

  5. Nope! I'm 19 years old. This is the first Presidential election that I will be voting in and I will be voting for McCain!

  6. Not me!!! I choose Obama because i would not want to put a man in office who is just like the person who put this country in h**l for last 8 years!

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