
First visit to Turkey! Some tips please!?

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Hello! My friend and I (both single females) have just booked our first trip to Turkey, Marmaris to be exact. As a newbie to the country I'm looking to get the most out of it. Anybody have any good tips? Thanks : )




  1. Hiya,

    If you heed people's paranoias then you will not enjoy your trip at all.  Obviously, you should be aware of ANY guy who is too eager to get with you.  That should be true ANYWHERE, whether you are in Rome, Ibiza, Marmaris, or Amsterdam!  The simple rule of thumb is this: Do not show any interest in a guy if you do not want him to show any interest in you.  Do not even look at him out of curiosity.  If you *do* want him to show interest in you, on the other hand, then you are indeed in luck in Turkey.  Moving on to more interesting topics...

    The south-Aegean coast of Turkey is beautiful beautiful beautiful.  I envy you for visiting soon, while my husband and I had no chance to visit this summer due to our work and relocations. :(  In fact, my husband's father is from a quaint village in Mugla, the province in which Marmaris is located.  Last summer when we visited the village, his uncle took us to Belen Kahvesi nearby where the Ormanci Turku takes place.  Sooo cute, sooo quaint and natural, but still a ways from Marmaris.  If you want a rural, historic, cultural distraction away from the touristic hubbub of Marmaris, then I recommend checking out Belen Kahvesi (with a Turkish speaking guide!).

    Marmaris is the opposite kind of paradise at night: bustling with dance clubs, bars, tattoo parlors, and more clubs.  If you looooove dancing, then it is awesome.  This reminds me, back to the earlier topic: My only negative experience with some guy's attentions in Marmaris was with some Russian a**-*oles.  This was some years before I had met my husband.  Another Turkish girl-friend and I were dancing the night away at a main Marmaris club, while our Turkish guy friend was sitting at the bar, sipping away.  All of a sudden some guys start talking to us, asking me where we're from in English in a Slavic accent.  We don't immediately respond, as he continues, I think that the guy is asking us about the area, in a friendly way.  He says that his friend is not feeling well, so I get concerned.  Then he asks if we are Brazilian.  Surprised, I respond "No!  We're Turkish!"  Then he responds that they are from Russia and asks again where we are from.  Exasperated, I say that we are just from here, Turkey, but that I grew up in the U.S..  Turning away, I say that I hope his friend feels better.  The Russian guy (I don't remember which one exactly, there were three of them) then has the gall to ask if I have a bed for his friend to sleep in!!!!  My friend and I quickly left to get our slightly drunk (but nonetheless intimidating in size) guy-friend and zoomed out of the club.  We went all over Marmaris that night and saw the Russian trio three more times.  But, each time as the trio made an attempt to approach our guy-friend stared them down, and they went away.  So, as you can see, annoying guys in Marmaris are not always of the Turkish variety.  And, more than anything, it helps to keep around an intimidating guy-friend that you can trust (ours was a family friend, younger than us, but much bigger too).

    Aside from night-life, the city itself is filled with jewelry shops, leather shops, gift shops.... anything that a randomly wandering tourist can spend days looking at.  But, go out of the city a bit, and there you will have the real fun: Water sports on the one hand, history on the other.  Natural beauty everywhere.

    If you love history at all, and especially if you love mythology, I would go on a day-trip to Ephesus with your friend if I were you.  There are a great many to choose from, and any touristic bureau in Marmaris will give you options when you are there.  The only thing to keep in mind is that it may be EXTREMELY HOT throughout the excursion.  This is no problem to me, but some people are really sensitive.  Just so you know.

    Regarding water-sports, resorts often arrange for their own activities and usually have online resources as well.  One great thing about Turkey is that you can often do things at the last minute with an o.k. deal.  With both water-sports and excursions, testing out a few touristic bureaus in Marmaris might be a fine way to go about getting a decent deal.

    My favorite water is in Fethiye, Oludeniz, going south a few hours.  It is the most beautiful water I have ever seen.  Best for swimming.  If you really really love beautiful water, then it is worth the trip.

    I should mention that your stomach will be extremely pleased no matter where you go.  Resorts often have amazing buffets for dinner, but anywhere else you can have great food for cheap as well.  Just make sure to drink lots of bottled water in general, especially with the heat.

    One of my best friends, a North Indian girl who grew up in the U.S., visited Turkey for the first time for my wedding last summer.  She fell in love with our country (and many members of our country similarly fell in love with her as well, lol).  Her favorite, however, was Istanbul.  Although she liked Kusadasi, it was just too hot for her to enjoy completely -- yes, even though she is Indian.  She can't wait to re-visit!  I hope that you will have a similarly awesome experience.

  2. i have 3 tips. 1, get familiar with their culture so you dont feel like a total outcast. 2, dont be afraid to ask some questions remember your a tourist. And 3 have fun try some new things and bring bac some souveneirs for friends and family

  3. Gwen has said it all!

  4. I have a very good American friend who lives there now.  She LOVES Turkey.  I believe she is in Antalya - but she's lived in Istanbul as well.  If you want me to get some info from her for you - e-mail me and let me know.

    I know that the Grand Bazzare (sp) in Istanbul is great fun and shopping.  I also know that the countryside along the southeast coast is beautiful - and the people there are very friendly.

  5. i have been to turkey several times and love it more everytime i go. a few things to watch out for

    dont drink water out a tap try to avoid salad and ice its made from there water so give you a dodgy tummy!! :)

    exchanging money take english money with you and exchange it over there you get a better exchange rate and dont get charged commision!! :)

    what people say about the guys is true but if you can handle yourself and your quite strong then have a laugh let them take you to clubs - they know the good ones :) just dont get involved so to speak because it only takes a kiss and they want to marry you :) although i am engaged to a turk but for your first time just keep your distance!! hehe :)

    it is rather hot so if your not use to warm temperature then take plenty suncream - im just back and it was sitting at 56 degrees!! :) also keep your self hydrated especially if your partying at night drink plenty water during the day!!

    and last of all go have an amazing time, let your hair down you will have a great time because the turkish are really friendly and they show you how to live life!! Enjoy!! :)

  6. its a lovely place to be. beautiful people . and don't worry about turkish men. its not like danielle said . if there is someone to blame its the 60 year old women who is sleeping with a young boy. i know some old women goes turkey just for that young vulnerable boys than when they get left they all blame turkish guys. first they have to look at mirror and ask themselves why is this young handsome boy is with me.

  7. Don't bring that "I hate Turkey" t-shirt you love to wear. :)

  8. Do NOT get involved with the men. It has begun to emerge that the Turkish men are being sold as s*x slaves. They come from the poor rural areas to the tourist cities for work in bars, getting paid less than 16p an hour and working night and day for money to send to their families. The bar managers tell them to please the customer, no matter what. They will flirt with you and make you feel amazing, and will try to sleep with you. These men are used to sleeping with 60 year olds and a lot of them have STIs. They also might want to marry you for a visa or money. Check out Take A Break magazine's s*x slave special which is probably in the magazine right now which exposes this trade.

    On a brighter note, Turkey is a lovely and beautiful country with amazing scenery and locals. Try not to drink too much, or get tattoos (health risks of unclean needles) and watch where you're walking! There is lots of stone spheres dotted around the pavement and it's easy to fall over them if you're not paying attention.

    Don't drink the water from taps either, buy fresh water from bottles to drink, wash and brush your teeth if you want to avoid a dodgy tummy

    Have fun!

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