
First website <span title="ever.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">ever.....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I've made my first website and help!

It's a free webstite made with and is for Ricky Gervais fans.I need links,help,tips,comments,etc basically anything to improve it. Thankyou in advance!




  1. Your goal now is to get traffic to your site so start doing some of the following:

    - submit to directories

    - submit to search engines

    - submit to social bookmarking sites

    - submit to social networking sites


  2. well, first things first, dont use a generator, code by hand, clean up your code, make it cross browser friendly, focus on both onsite and offsite seo.  once your code is clean, then we can talk about increasing traffic flow.  make it valid then email me.

  3. You could attract visitors to your site via two ways:

    1. Write articles at and at the bottom of your article include your website address. This is a great way to drive traffic to your site and get some exposure.

    2. Do some basic HTML editing and you could have your website making money for you in less than 48 hours. It is extremely easy to do and this method is used by some of the most visited websites in the world.

    For more information visit:

  4. You should first establish readership before placing ads on your site. It makes it look cluttered and spammy. Once you have a good flow of visitors, you can then place ads in a designated sidebar or seperate area.

    Len Estrada

    Internet Marketing Courses

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