
First year in high school!soo many questions!?

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frst of all

can anyone give me any social tips for my frst day in gr 9!im reely freakin out! like wat r good ways to make friends in high school?


wat r some school supplies that i will need?

and is high school as scary as evryone says it is?

plleze help.

oh and p.s

i dont hav any friends right now(well best friends)so getting friends is manditory!




  1. First of all: Take a deep breath & relax. Everything will be fine. High school isn't as bad as people make it out to be. But, I'm not going to lie to you, it may get some getting used to. I started high school two years ago & it took me at least a couple of months to totally be comfortable in a new enviroment.

    What are good ways to make friends?

    Just don't be shy. Talk & be friendly with everyone. You may not realize it but, everyone is just as nervous as you are. Also get involved in afterschool activites. It really gives you that extra time on the side to get to know people alittle bit more. So once you get to school see the clubs & sports your school offers & jump at the opportunity.

    School Supplies?

    I would shop for the basics first. Pens, pencil ect... Then when you review your classes your teachers will most likely tell you what they want. So I would shop for supplies after you've been to your classes.

    High school scary?

    Like I said in the beginning, it's not nearly as horrible as some people describe it. Teachers give you slack because your freshman & they can be ALOT of help. Plus, everything new to you is new to your classmates. So you won't be alone.

    & the friends thing is not a problem. When I went to H.S. I didn't know anyone & it turned out fine. Alot of people go into a high school not knowing anyone.

    Well, I hope that helped you. As long as you keep an open mind, become active in your school, talk to loadss of people & be yourself you'll do fine. GOOD LUCK =)

  2. ok to make friends just start by aasking them ohhh hey can i borrow a pencil,pen,paper,whatever....then just ask questions about the class and from there you will make friends trust i was the same way.....

  3. High school is a GREAT place to make friends.  There are so many special interest groups to pick from(school newspaper, orchestra, cheerleading, soccer team, chess club).  Join something you like, or explore new interests--you can't help but meet new people.

    Is it scary?  Everything new is scary at first, but after the first week, you'll be fine.

    School supplies?  Check your school's web site.

    Relax and have fun!

  4. During class make sure to sit somewhere in the middle. Introduce yourself to the people sitting around you, ask them a question or make a comment about something and start a conversation with them. You'll can make some friends that way. For the first day of school you just need a binder, paper and pencils, your teachers will tell you on the first day what you will need to bring everyday. And high school might seem scary the first day or two, but it's not, high school can be really fun, you'll get used to everything.

  5. I wouldn't worry about it. people don't bite so go out there and be friendly, smile and talk alot and you'll eventually get friends.

    As for the school supplies you should get a list on your first day of school from all of your teachers.  

  6. Just be yourself and do things you would like and you will find someone who likes them as well

    You will need binders, paper, loose leaf, filter, graph, science calcultaor, books, pencils, pens, notebooks, folders, compass, protrater, you should have a list.

    And, no, school is a time to get ready for college and open your mind to many things. Not to be scared and be harrased.

  7. -talk to everyone

    be approachable and join sports

    -binders for every subject,




    anything you needed for middle school

    -no it's not

    talk to people and don't be mean

    don't get caught up in drama

    and personal experience advice: DON'T TELL PEOPLE YOUR SECRETS... that's the worst thing you can do.. it will come back to bite you in the ***

  8. -Be yourself. High school kids can spot a poser in a second.

    - Join Extracurricular activities. Join a group, sports, wutever you like.

    - Try to socialize. Be nice, talk to everyone, make yourself known.

    -Be involved. Dont sit in a corner. Always take the oppurtunity to stand out.

    - Dress hot. Dont try to hard though. Wear jeans, pretty tops, and cute shoes.

    -Get a pretty tote to carry your books.

    - Do your homework and try to pass. No one likes a dummy.

    - Be nice to your teachers. It pays off when you need recommendations for college.

    -Dont label yourself. Try to hang out with different types of people.

    - Learn to handle peer pressure for s*x, drugs, and alcohol. Those three will be very real once you hit high school, so be prepared.

    -Have fun! High school is the best time of your life.

  9. Very simple: be yourself. Smile at others and be friendly even if you don't know the person. You will make new friends your first day - remember, you are all in the same position. First day of school, new place, new people, new teachers, new route to school...lockers, books, schedules - there's a lot to do. Take it one day at a time and do what you have to do. Listen to your new teachers. They will tell you what they are expecting that first day. Sound like a lot, but write down stuff you will need to know. Don't depend on teacher copies or hand outs.

    Go in with a good attitude and also the attitude that you can do this and do it well.  you got through middle school alright, no?  I might suggest too that you learn to write correctly instead of texting your writing. Teachers don't appreciate the texting thing at all. Save it for your friends and your blackberry. BRING A PEN and a NOTEBOOK. Take notes even if no one else is. You won't remember half of what is taking place, that's why we have paper and pencil.

    And finally - to make friends you have to be one. Be willing to help others - you may see someone who looks lost and you know your way around - offer to help. The world is not going to come to you - you will make the world you want.

    Good luck and have a great first day of school!

  10. Making friends: Just be yourself. Join any clubs that youre interested in and get to know the members. Talk to the kids you sit next to in class. Express your interests and youll attract loads of people who like the same stuff as you and who may want to be your friend. Be fun :] Youll make friends in no time.


    Notebooks, binders, filler paper, scientific calculators, rulers, geometry kits, pens and pencils, erasers, a lock for your locker (my school makes us buy them idk if all schools do lol) a backpack, folders.

    No! High school isnt scary at all :]

    It's fun. Just remember to not start any trouble with the older kids and you definitely wont get picked on if your school has a little freshmen week type thing.

    Be yourself, and dont act like youre all that and have a big head.

  11. be yourself and dont try too hard and you will make good friends.high school is 20 times better than middle school trust me. all you need the first day is a notebook and pens they (the teachers) will tell you what you need for the year

  12. just bring a pen and a notebook. the teachers will tell you what you need the first day.

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