
First year of high school, (details)

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im nervouss,

any tipps before high school ?!?




  1. try not 2 get beaten up

  2. Don't try to act like you are so cool because you are now in high school.

    Stay away from the rough crowd.

    Focus very hard on your grades.

    Try not to give off the vibes that you are new by being way too nervous and awkward.

    Don't skip school.

    Enjoy every minute of it and don't stress over the little things.

  3. be the person you were in middle school, dontthink just because you moved to a different school u need to be a"cooler" person and whatever. Be friendly and be open to making friends, but dont force it hopefully that will come naturally from just meeting people in class and in the halls. Yes, be organized, but dont stress about organizers and planners andsuch, if they make you feel comfterble and you need them use them, if not dont. I think the best tip i can give you is if you look relaxed and comfterble, notlike your trying to look like you dont care and you are"too cool for school", but that you just have confidence in yourself, you'll do great, it really does sound cheesy, but...

  4. hey. i just finished my first year of high school. you think its going to be something huge but its really not. you get booed by upperclassmen at rallys, school work depends on your classes(i had NO homework the whole year but thats because of my teachers) its not exavtly harder, just knewer stuff. you might have a couple mixed classes with other grades. those are fun :] dont be to nervous. it'll be okay! i suggest making plans the day before with your friends so you can meet eachother between classes and lunch time so your not confused. alsi if you have a school map review it so you don't get lost(i did) if you don't its okay to ask people they will usually tell you correctly. don't be late to classes the first day because when you walk in everyone looks at you and its embarassing(personal experience). hope i helped and good luck! you'll be fine!


  6. Enjoy it.  Everyone is somewhat nervous.  Smile at others.  It helps you find the friendly ones who smile back.  It even works with teachers!

  7. be yourself.

    study the map so you know where your classes are.

    find out which friends are in your lunch period, and make plans to meet them at the cafeteria, or at a certain table in the cafeteria.

    start the year off with good study skills, and keep it that way!

    have fun! go to the football games, homecoming, dances, plays, etc. make new friends. flirt with a couple of guys, learn something new, try a new activity, sport, or club.

    relax. freshmen don't get picked on, you'll only get lost the first day -lol!- by the second, you'll have it down.

    and an extra piece of tried and true advice from a goiung-to-be-a-junior   -

    make a "locker kit". use a small tin or pouch, etc. and fill it with extra helpful stuff. like -

    -breath mints and minty gum (always handy - lol!)

    -an extra lipgloss and eyeshadow (in case you forget yours, or didn't have time in the morning)

    -5 extra dollars (lunch money, pay phone, buying a book for english class)

    -tampons/pads (just in case...)

    -safety pins ( you never know...)

    -a small deoderant and perfume (never wanna be stanky! lol!)

    -a small lotion ( dry skin - eww. lol!)

    -chapstick (kinda goes with the mints - lol!)

  8. 1. Have fun!

    2. Pay attention in class

    3. Be very organized - use a planner to keep track of homework, projects, activities, etc.

    4. If you are having trouble with a certain subject, talk with the teacher - most teachers are more than willing to stay after school and help you with any problems that you are having.

    5. Get involved - join in groups, athletics, go to dances and sporting events.  It helps you meet new friends.

    Don't worry, you'll have a great time.  I was nervous also my freshmen year, but I overcame that fear the first day of school.

  9. Well first few days, stick with people you know.

    I figured that out today as it was orientation and I start on Monday...

    Be yourself, honestly it goes a long way...People will remember what you're like at the beggining of the school year and if you change for the worse, you don't have very much good coming to you !

    Make sure you know where your classes are and try to be friendly and chat with people you've never met before...Like I find out this girl is in my french class (and I never met her before) but I was like okay you look cool and ur in my french class and then we found out we had more classes together..So just be friendly and you'll be fine !! Good luck!

  10. hey i'm going to be a high schooler too. it's going to be totally fun apparently and so much better then middle school. and also i've heard the freshman boys are the only ones that get picked on. good luck! :)

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