
First year of highschool, wondering....?

by  |  earlier

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i had my first day of being a freshman, it went fine, boring a little, made a good amount of friends, im mixed in with 10th 11th and 12th graders in my classes cuz they were stupid and failed lol some of them talk trash about freshman even though have of them are only 5 months older, i dont really get it but i ignore it, i even made a few upperclassman friends, and caught a few seniors check me out(probably cuz they thought i was older.) but i've been keeping a positive attitude about everything, how come i still feel nervous for the second day?( if you can add some tip's about being a freshman, that would help me too, thanks!)




  1. It's just high school tradition to trash freshman. The school has to have someone to pick on--why not the newbies? At my school, even the teachers don't like and make fun of freshman. Don't take it personally.  

  2. ah freshmen day i member my freshmen year

    well as far as being nervous. the only time i was nervous was my 1st day.

    your second day it shouldn't be a problem. just be calm n everything will turn out to be okay :)

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