
First year of volleyball, any tips?

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ok so next year im trying out for the high school team and i was wondering if you had any tips.

anything that i can do to train, or get better or anything i could do to make the team





  1. Im captain of my junior varsity volleyball team(freshman)

    -Just remember from now to make sure to call your ball bec high school volleyball is tough so tryouts are a little harder you want to call your ball even if no one else is doing you should start & everyone will follow (if they're smart)it will make a good impression on the team & coaches!

    -When you train running isn't too important but endurance is!A game may be tied up and you will tire out so practice running on a treadmill at a gym (if possible) if not then run in place for as long as you can

    -Upper body strength is the key to good spikes! You can practice building it by doing push-ups , lifting dumbbells, bench press, ect.

    -Practice your balance by standing on one foot and extending your arms straight out as far as you can, hold that position for about 30 sec. then switch feet

    -Practice getting high off the ground (jumping lol) This is another important key to a good spike!

    -Your timing has to be precise (very close to perfect)!Practice your timing by throwing the ball up so high then serve it! Do this until the balls high/low enough to get it over the net try to memorize somewhat how high you threw it (its a lot more comfortable this way) Timing is not only important on serving but on spiking as well! When your spiking it you cant jump to early or late you have to time it to when you jump the ball is almost reaching the net. I scoot back and take 3 steps jump then spike. It just helps me get my spike harder and more accurate.

    -Here are the basics

    -Drink PLENTY of water if you don't you'll get dehydrated and have to go to the doctor.

    -Practice your serving (overhand) and spiking!

    -Practice your blocking (very important)

    -Practice the pancake (saving the ball)You dive hand first the ball should hit the outside of your hand

    -Practice your tips

    -Practice your setting (sometimes there are diff. rotations and 2 or more people have to set)

    -Go over, memorize the rules, & dont break them!


    Have Fun!!!  

  2. I am going out for it too, it will be my freshman year. Do you know the basics? If not, type it on google to know  some of the basic volleyball skills. Know your rotation the most popular is the 6-2, six players and two setters. Wear a shirt that stands out like a bright color (and a volleyball one), be aggressive and loud, watch the coach when she/he is talking, go for everything and never let the ball drop on the floor. For training work on lower body strength with your calfs and work on jumping high, also tone your arms to serve the ball with lots of power. Calf raisers are good for getting a good vertical, go on the edge of a step on a staircase and simply  move your heels up and down, you can tell if you ae doing it right it will start to hurt. Work on speed and I don't mean long distance, long distance does not train for volleyball. Sprints do, fast sprints in shorter distances train the reflexes that you use in volleyball. Hope you make it! Good luck!

  3. if its indoors definitly were kneepads and keep your eye on the ball!!

    you might want to get used to diving so try practiceing that and serving.

  4. i'm doing volleyball too.

    good luck; and just make sure you practice a lot!

  5. Practice running

    Be assertive

    Call the ball

    When you pass the ball, get low

    Encourage your teammates (At our team tryouts, this counts for almost as much as skills count. Cheering is very important)

  6. Run. Be fast on you feet. When in a game, always call the ball because if you dont you could end up hitting someone else ;)   practice serving and make sure you can hit it over the net. And to really impress the judges for a first year volleyball player- practice hitting overhand. it might take you awhile but youll totally get it. But I play volleyball and i try to run at least a 3 miles twice a week if not more. Youll do great!

  7. Practice against a wall.

  8. Don't be afraid to smack the ball. In tryouts, really pay attention & be part of the game! --don't hang back & wait for the ball to come to you--GO FOR IT! :)

    You will do just fine & if you don't make the team--theres always next year  

  9. Get a volleyball, and find your strengths and weaknesses. These will determine what position you should play, like setter, spiker, etc. My biggest piece of advice is to not act "girly" at this sport. Do not be afraid of the ball because a lot of girls are because they think it hurts. Believe me, hitting a volleyball will probably hurt at first, but endure the pain. Within a few days, you will be used to the feel of the ball, and you probably will have found the right place to hit it on your arms. As soon as you have accomplished this, you should be prepared to play the game! Just approach the ball, and don't be afraid to hit it. Don't let down your team :) ! Good luck. Volleyball is a fun sport; I wish I could play it more often. Don't forget to use power when you hit the ball, and hit the ball forward, instead of up. Lots of people hit the ball upwards, and it hits the ceiling instead of making it over the net. Most important, listen to your coach, and practice a lot! Volleyball is a team sport, so get to know your team members! Have fun :)

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