
First year spanish help!!!!!!!?

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My brain is having a hard time remembering the spanish. I will study for an hour and the next day not remember a thing I studyed yesterday. I am also having a hard time pronouncing the words and i feel really stupid. I don't want to drop the class I really want to learn it any tips would help.

Thanx Britt




  1. lol yea u should hang out with some Mexicans.

    I'm Mexican myself lol

    My friend is Mexican too but he can't talk NOTHING

    in spanish. You tell me how that's possible lol.

    So yea just study stUDY STUDY and you'll get better.

  2. Just study a lil more! im sure theres online sites you can visit to help also if you need help pronouncing ask your teacher im sure they will be more than happy to help thats what thier there for!

  3. use the words in a sentence  everyday  and get a Spanish person to help you pronouncing them

  4. This sounds wrong, but work at a place with lots of Mexicans. That's how I learned and now I'm basically fluent. It only took me a couple, three months, but I had a couple semesters worth of classes before that.  

  5. For vocabulary try using flash cards, it helps the mind if you are a visual sort of person. I would suggest surrounding yourself in the language, it is after all the best way to learn. Try reading children's books or watching any local tv stations you get.  Itunes has some podcasts one the basics of spanish, and they can be helpful with pronunciation.

    Learning another language is tough, but don't give up.

    The link has some good resources on it.

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