
First year teacher - book recommendations?

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Hi, I'm just got my temporary certificate to teach Middle School English (5-9) but have never taught before - HELP! I was an English major and have not taken any teaching classes (first one is this summer). Any books you could recommend to get me started would be greatly appreciated. Teaching styles, classroom management, expectations etc.. Thanks!




  1. "Discipline in the Secondary Classroom" by Randall Sprick.  I modified what he said for my middle schoolers and it really works (if implemented right).

    "1-2-3 Magic for Teachers Effective Classroom Discipline" by Thomas Phelan. I just got this and haven't read it thoroughly, but from my quick glimpses it seems good.

    As mentioned before "The First Days of School" is good, but it's mostly practical stuff you'll already know.

    "The Skillful Teacher" by Jon Saphier is a HUGE book that has a ton of stuff.  Some of it is really hard to read, but it's one that I felt gave me some insight.

    And the last

    "One-Minute Discipline" by Arnie Bianco gave me a ton of small ideas to use in my classroom.

    Hope this helps.

  2. English Teacher's Companion by Jim Burke is excellent:  full of great activities **just for English teachers**:  lessons, methods, assessments, etc. to help you build your own database of material.

    (The 2nd edition is much cheaper.)

    Good luck!

  3. Here are some popular middle school books you cant go wrong with... Number the Stars, Willow Run, Nory Ryan's Song, The summer of the Riley, and My brother sam is dead... Hope this helps! Good Luck!

  4. I would definitely recommend Harry Wong's book called "The First Days of School." Someone lent me that book when I first started teaching, and it was very helpful. And I have read it a couple of times since then.

    Harry Wong also has a website with more of his writings on it. I think you can sign up for regular newsletters from him. His stuff is very practical -- about classroom management.

    Here is his website:

  5. The only book you need is "The First Days of School" by Harry Wong.

    It will tell you everything you need to know from how to dress, to how to arrange your room, to classroom management.  It was my bible for my first few years of teaching.

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