
Firstly, what is "pile-drived"? And secondly, do you think this story is real or fake?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a stomach punching contest once. This guy in a bar was being an *** and bragging about his abs, so I said "Dude, I bet I can take 3 punches in the stomach better than you."

He said "What? Shut up. Waddya wanna bet?"

I said "All I have on me is $40" and he said "OK, that'll do it".

So I said "OK, but I go first" and slugged him a crisp uppercut just below his solar plexus.

The guy gasped "OOOOOFF!!" and doubled over, unable to breathe.

I picked him up by the hair and drove my fist into his belly, he made a noise like "NNNGGGHH!". His eyes bulged, he turned pale and collapsed.

So I stood over him as he was passing out and pile-drived my right exactly where the first shot landed, I swear I felt my fist go all the way through to the floor. That sent him into convulsions, vomiting and peeing himself.

The show being over, the crowd was stunned in silence, I reached in my pocket, pulled out two 20's and dropped them on the floor next to where he was writhing in agony.





  1. you are a pompass *** if i ever have the misfortune of meeting you i will pile drive you like your momma

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