
Fiscal and monetary policies that affect the farming ( citrus fruit) industry?

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How have these policies affected the employment rates for farmers?

How have these policies affected the growth of the industry?

How have these policies affected the prices of the product the industry produces?




  1. sorry

  2. In what country? In the US where I am the biggest problem is probably crop insurance for a crop that is at the extreme edge of it's zone. All in all the US is not a good place to produce citrus crops because the weather is too cold in the winter and spring frequently has damaging frosts and storms. Though I am sure the citrus farmers would not be too put out with a little global warming, much of that issue makes spring weather systems even more unpredictable and damaging, and the cost and/ or availability of crop insurance is due to be even more of an issue.

         The changing status of illegal or undocumented alien workers is more under scrutiny with boarder documentation issues and work permit issues. In the shadow of 9/11 and all the changes, it ain't over till the fat lady sings.

         Also, with all that has gone on in the world of the NAFTA and in the light of recent problems with imports of (pet) food items from China, you better believe that ALL farming practices, here and abroad will be closely scrutinized. The current trade practices will see some changes in the near future and the citrus fruit industry will not be exempt.

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