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Its just laying down on the stones and cannot open its mouth what shall i do!!!




  1. you should change like half of its water and put some food in its bowl, if it doesnt do anything after that im srry but u need to put it out of its misery

  2. flush it, put it out of its misery!! SORRY!

  3. put some food in the tank...if it doesn't go for it, i'm sorry to say its time to get a new fish...

  4. I would do a fifty percent water change and change the filter media immediately, then i would cover the tank with the lights off for a few days and maybe do a water change of 25% every other day there after. toxins have probably built up in its tank or bowl whichever the case may be and an immediate water change will bring some relief. the subsequent water changes will maintain a cleaner environment for the fish. remember to always use treated water or Chlorine free water when administering water changes. the fish may still die but atleast you'll know you tried which is better than throwing your hands in the air and the fish in the toilet right?

  5. What type of fish do you have? Do you notice any other symptoms? It's possible you could save it if you can figure out what might possibly be wrong. However, goldfish tend to die rather easily if they get sick or injured so it is likely it will pass away. Sorry to hear this! My own little betta has been looking sick for a few weeks now but still hanging on. Try going to the pet store to see if they will help - a locally owned aquarium type store may be of even more help! Good luck!

  6. help him open his mouth but not too much

  7. Sadly, you can't do much to save it. It's best if you just flush it, or let it die in the tank :(

    Don't watch it, because that'll make is worse for you. Wait a few hours, and check on it.

  8. Flushing a fish while it is still alive even if a little bit is cruel. For one the chemicals will make its death more painfull. I would change 25%-50% the water and keep the tank dark to help lower stress on the fish.

  9. I cant belive people flush fishes down the toilet! Just spend your last hours/minutes with him/her and talk to it (may sound silly but it helps you feel better)

  10. Flush it.

  11. Theres nothing you can do for it. Its gonna die. Sorry =[

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