
Fish!!?? Help!! first fishhieee.!!

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last night i went to the local carnival and I got a small goldfish, and I bought the cage. This is my first fish, and I don't know what to do. The cage looks foggy and some stuff is floating around. the cage is 6inches by 3 inches. Is that too small? and should i change the cage? Any tips on keeping the fish long? and who makes the best fishfood......




  1. You should have a 48in tank. or a pond. I use ocean nutrition. but the tropical stuff is hard to find. Maybe they have a goldfish flake.

    wow, holy ****. there is only one other person here who hgave you good advice. a 5g tank is good for nothing. Betta's come from rice patties which are miles in length. they need a filter and a heater. gold fish cant live in a bowl, all that they can do is turn around. What if you lived in a cell where all you could do is turn around?

  2. first wash the cage in warm water!

    Leave the goldfish in his bag for the nite. Fill up a gallon of tap water! REMOVE THE CLORINE. (go to petsmart they will help you with that)

    You need to buy a tank in the future. A 5 gallon tank or bigger.

    the cage doesnt have a filter so you will have to change his water everyday. one cup out one cup in

    Tetra is the best!!! But hikari is better. Buy only goldfish food. Check the ingredients. I got like 6 different goldfish food to keep my friends happy.

    If your goldfish is alone try keeping it company. my goldfish chase after my finger. -.-

    Goldfish loves peas!! remove the outside and feed him the insides. make sure to wash it carefully and make sure the pieces arnt too big

    send me an e-mail plz

  3. No.

    Those things need more like 75 gallons.

    Heres what it'll grow into.


    that one is over 18 inches.

  4. cage? it going to dye in a cage. Get a tank or aquaium

  5. I would get a bigger aquarium for the fish.  A goldfish will do better in a five gallon aquarium.  I would suggest this aquarium, I use it and it does great.

    The water is foggy and stuff because the cage is too small for the fish.

    I like TetraFin goldfish flakes but most fish flakes that are made for goldfish will do fine.

    I would recommend getting a few books from the library about goldfish and aquarium care as I think that would help you understand your new friend much better.

  6. You likely won a Common Goldfish, aka a Carp. Your tank is too small for even the smallest goldfish. These fish grow HUGE, over 24", and will eventually need about 200 gallons.

    You can keep your fish for a SHORT time in a 10-gallon, but you will have to continuously upgrade, which will get very expensive.

    All new fish tanks need to be properly cycled

    and goldfish require excellent filtration. (Both likely reasons your water is cloudy.)

    I suggest that you start looking for someone with a Goldfish pond who would be willing to take on another fish.

    If you do decide to keep it, you will need to do a lot of research on proper Goldfish care.

    Here are a few links to get you started:



    Giving away a fish who requires so much care is both irresponsible and cruel. Please contact the

    event coordinator of the carnival, and voice your displeasure.

  7. firstly fish cant live in a cage as it cannot hold water


    i think an aquarium or fish tank is what you want

    and for a carnival goldfish 50 gallons is your minimum tank size

    they grow over a foot

    60 gallons if you want another one

  8. Congratulations! On your fishy. But don't get your hopes up too high. Those carnival fish no matter what, never seem to last too long but just long enough for you to get a real interest in fish. I had several goldfish for 5+ years. But unless you are willing to go the whole 9 yards, 5 gallon tank, filter, water pump, gravel etc. I would not invest too much more. You get what you pay for. Gold fish are really cool and they are cheap enough that you can get several at a time. But the tank is hard to keep clean. And plan on at least fully cleaning out the tank new water clean gravel etc once a month. Total cleaning time 1-2 hours.

    My favorite fish and a great first fish for anyone is a beta AKA chinese fighting fish. Carefree (just have to remember to feed them) they are the fish you seen swimming in the vases with plants. No filters, no pumps, just a giant coke glass Or similar from wal-mart

    a bag of $2.39 gravel and the fish which runs around $5. Oh yes don't forget the food. Very easy fish to raise  Do not put two of the male fish together or one will end up wounded or worse. You have to clean this tank too but I bought two of everything and when the time came to clean the giant coke glass (make sure the waters from the faucet sets out in the glass for at least 48 hours before moving the fish into it.) I just scooped up the fish with the small net, plunked him into the second glass and walla! Now I just clean all the old stuff, fill it with new water, cover it and let it set until its time to change the water again. Total cleaning time 10 minutes.

    Hope this helps!

  9. I would get a bigger tank, doesnt have to be a proper fish tank, a big bowl is just as good. I would also pour about half of the water away and then put some fresh in. If you pour all the water away and use all fresh the fish will have too much of a shock so do this gradually over a few days until the water is clear.,

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