
Fish Problem?

by Guest61363  |  earlier

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I was wondering if there are any fish that will go fine with gourmis?




  1. same as above

  2. what kind of gourami? If it is any kind of dwarf/smaller gouramis any community fish will do well

    If it is a an aggressive/larger gourami such as Kissing Gourami it can only be kept with larger fish that the gourami will not kill

  3. Generally, any peaceful tropical fish will work with gourami.  There are both standard and dwarf sized gourami so your tank size will impact which peaceful tropical fish will work.  Don't attempt to keep other labyrinth fish such as bettas.  Also, fish with nipping tendencies aren't a good choice so avoid fish such as serpae tetras and tiger barbs.

  4. Most community fish will do fine with gouramis.  Stay away from bettas(definitley males and I've heard females as well), generally not a good idea to mix other gouramis as well-but some do with no problems, and no paradise fish.

  5. Well gouramis are in the same family group as bettas and paradise fish, which is why they are not good tank mates. It all depends on what kind of gourami you have. If you have a giant gourami, watch out and choose large growing peaceful fish. A regular gourami, try larger sized tetras, or fish like angels. And a dwarf gourami, you can just about house them with any type of peaceful fish. Tetras work great with them.
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