
Fish/Shrimp problemssssss PLZ HELP THEY R DYING?

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i have resently bought a shrimp and every time i buy one it dies can anyone tell me why they are dying soo fast

i also bought a nine banded dragon fish and im not too sure what they eat plz help




  1. i dont know about the "nine banded dragon fish" but i know about a dragon fish which is practically the same thing.

    Dragon fish eat  bloodworms or brineshrimp. (you can store them in the freezer.)

    dragon fish are primarily nocturnal and blind, they get around the tank by sonar and are whats concidered a filter feeder, when they smell food, they start sucking in water and filtering out the bits of food (the big gulping motions they sometimes make.)  

    About the Shrimp: they live near the ground of the tank.  the ammonia is the most concentrated there. If the ammonia gets to high they will eventaully died.

  2. I dont know about hte banded dragon fish but shrimp live at the bottom of the tank where the ammonia is the most concentrated.

    Your ammonia is probably high, which would be why there dying. I've never gotten one to live more than a few weeks, but I've read some people have had them for up to a year.

    Sorry I couldnt be more help about the banded dragon fish, maybe google it, or you could wait for a more knowledgeable person to show up here, they will come.

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