
Fish Suggestions for a 10 gallon

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Just looking to get suggestions of fish I could get for a 10gal. It used to be a divided betta tank, but I just can't deal with bettas that keep getting sick on me and dying any longer, so... other kinda of fish it is!

I'd like this to be a community tank so peaceful fish would be great.

No pygmy cories (b/c nowhere sells them), no gouramis. No rasbora (already have some in another tank), no platy (have some), no mollies.

I was thinking of getting some ghost shrimp, and maybe about 4-6 male guppies. But other than that... no idea what else to get.

The tank is cycled/filtered, real plants, & heated.




  1. ok. get a green spotted puffer fish. they're brackish (half fresh half marine, like when a river runs into an ocean) fish, so they need salt, but you can pick some cheap oceanic salt at petsmart for a few bucks. you can ONLY keep a green spotted puffer (which you can get at walmart for 5 bucks) because they're very agressive. walmart doesn not give correct information on these fish, but they are easy to care for. no matter what anyone says, they do NOT eat flakes! they eat frozen brine shrimp (petsmart 4 bucks). ok that's the only weird stuff about them. the GOOD things are coming up next. they are SOOO cute! these fish have little baby faces and they're so curious!

    that was a picture of my adorable baby!!! anyway, they learn fast that you give them food. they will swim up to the top and look at you with that cute little face until they're fed. thay also do not use their back fins to swim. they use everything but, so it makes them seem like little flying bumblebees. anyway, i hope you choose this fish. they really are a joy to have!

  2. I really like tetras, you'll want a small group of them for proper effect.  LIttle catfish or dojos are interesting as well and will help keep the tank clean.

    Other fish to avoid are obviously cichlids, and I put a couple baby angelfish in a beautiful community tank once and they quickly got big, ate all the other fish and then started trying to kill each other...they were beautiful while they lasted though...

  3. For a ten gallon tank, get ONE African Cichlid..the species from lake malawai. They are brilliant and live over ten years. But they must be alone in the tank.

  4. maybe some platies and guppies go great with platies.

    edit african cichlids CANNOT fit in a 10 gallon theyll die!!! sorry but its the truth

    edit edit

    sorry um you try neon tetras or swordtails? haha you can also have snails in there too to clean up the algae.

  5. the kind of tetra u should get is called a glo lite tetra. they are really cool and give your tank alot of life. you can get 6 or 7 for a nice school. i would also recomend a male swordtail.

    remember to add the fish in slowly.

    good luck

  6. you can get a small school of zebra danios, cherry barbs, glolite, neon, rummy nose, or cardinal tetras. I would go for neon or cardinals. They are perfect for a planted tank.

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