
Fish Tanks? What do i do?

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okay so...i have a fish tank with blue rocks at the bottom...

and i just cleaned it...but the fresh water i put in turned the dye from the rocks going to hurt the fish...




  1. I think it'll harm your fish. Turn on your filter, seperate your fishes, then wait a few days until the water is clear, and add your fishes. They really don't need natural gravel, you can get any color of gravel you want. Also if the water doesn't clear up buy new gravel.

  2. Oh no! Get rid of that blue gravel.. Dont put any fish in there.. Coloured gravel killed two of my fish :( I thought the water was fine, no matter how many times i washed it, it still coloured the water..So i thought I'd try to put fish in there, they couldnt breathe, I took them out and they were fine in new water.. So i washed the gravel again, and put the fish back in a few days later, but it still killed them..  

    Put natural gravel.. Or you'll end up with dead fish

  3. did you rinse the rocks before you put them in the tank. it doesn't matter what color rocks they all have dust on them. they need to be cleaned in cold water until all the dust is off of them. is the water actually blue or is the top of the water blue. I can't see the water turning blue but I have seen the top of the water turn blue. I doubt if it can be cycled into the filter. the best thing I think in this situation is to clean the tank over again and try the gravel again in cold water let it sit for a day and see if it does it again. if not use it. If it does i would try new gravel. just rinse it really well in cold water.

  4. If there is dye leeching off your need new rocks.  Fish prefer naturally colored gravel, anyway.

  5. If your just starting up your tank...your going to first make sure the rocks you put in are for fish and not for dry use. Second you will need to establish a healthy bacteria for aquatic life. This can take a can get your water tested as often as you like at your local petsmart. Once your water has been tested and deemed as safe...your finally ready for fish.

    When I first set up my tank I went down to the pet store and asked as many question as I could think of. They are usually super helpful.

    But fish are usually super sensative to I would think the blue dye is a no-go.

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