
Fish breeders, with baby guppies...Can/where can i sell them?

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I have been reading questions like this today. I have 2 pregnant guppies that have babies about every 30 days. I am buying a new fish tank to put the babies. I put an ad in the paper because I really want to help people. But I was wondering with people that have already bred fish before, what do/did you do with you baby fish? Did you trade it in for food, aquarium furniture, etc? DId you sell them? Help please!




  1. Ok, if you do not want more baby guppies, get 2 5 gallon tanks. Put all the male fry in one and the female in the other. And if you own a male guppy already you might want to separate him from the females. They can hold sperm for up to 8 births, but nt forever, so they will eventually stop giving birth. Once the fry are about.......2 months I believe you can see the different in the anal fin and tell male from female. Just because they have color does not mean they are males, females can have color to!

  2. Very very few places will buy guppies.  You might find a mom and pop type pet store that will give you about a penny a piece for them and then probably only store credit.  Guppies are just too easy to breed and raise so there is no market for them.  


  3. You can sell them to the fish store or on aquabid, craigslist, your own website or ebay. check ebays restrictions on selling live animals though if you decide that.

    i would say 20 or 30 gallons with a seperator for the males and females to have thier own half.

  4. I would sell them on ebay or craglist if you really want to sell them. For the guppies I would get either a ten gallon tank or a tweenty gallon tank.

  5. Guppies are known as the "million fish". There really isn't a market for them. Unless you have guppies with amazing coloring it will be hard to find them a home. Try bringing your fish to a fish show. set up a little stand with a sign. Your best bet is a ten gallon tank thats all you need. Of course if you cant get rid of the fish you will need a 50 gallon which you can keep about 45 guppies in.  

  6. You can try to sell them although it might be difficult to do since guppy fry are very common.If you want to try selling them to a fish store,it's best to try the ones that are independently owned.Chain pet stores tend to have policies that prevent them from selling fish that aren't from their fish suppliers.You also could try placing adds on community boards that way people do with kittens.

  7. get an oscar or  a peacock bass and feed it the guppies :D

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