
Fish compatability ?

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What fish would be compatable with a bala shark, a swordtail, and a rainbow fish? I have one of each left after 2 other swordtails and 2 rainbow fish died a few weeks back. Sword and Rainbow are females.

Now my fish are sitting in a 55 gal tank, and I would like to add more swordtails, and rainbows as well as other fish. Any suggestions?





  1. Well first I'd remove the Bala Shark. They grow up to foot long and 1 needs a minimum of 75 gallons. And yes they prefer to be in groups; a group of 3 would require a 125+ gallon tank.

    Basically any community fish such as Tetras, Danios, Hatchetfish, Killifish, other Livebearers, other Rainbowfish, Rasboras, etc. but NO Bettas, since they may be tempted to nip the swordtail's fins.

    And don't get any male Swordtails, since the females will get pregnant...but you probably know that already;)

    E-mail me for any questions!

  2. I would also get rid of the bala, they will out grow your tank, and probably eat smaller fish if they had the chance. I would suggest keeping rainbows and swords in groups, they prefer it. There are many fish like dwarf south american cichlids that have peaceful temperaments, any type of tetras, barbs, pictus catfish, etc.
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