
Fish experts - is it possible to mix oscar fish with jewel fish?:?

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I know they are both aggressive fish and the oscars grow pretty big, some places on the internet say you can and some say it's not a good idea any fish experts out there know the answer for sure? detailed answers wanted, not just yes or no.





  1. it depend on how aggresive your oscar is cause some oscar are not aggressive it really depends on the individality, you can try it to see what will happens, never know for sure until you try it. i have an oscar and jewel but it didn't work out so i had to seperate them its really my oscar that causes the problems in the jewel is just defending him self .......but i had an albino oscar for a year..that i just recently lost to ich which was horrible but he got along well with the others unless i forgot to feed him, he had a real cool temperment so it depends on the fish

    if it dosn't work out just get more fish to even out the balance

    so one fish don't get harrased so much or try a bigger tank

    most cichlids like their own space that will really lower the aggression

  2. it depends on how big the tank is

  3. The common misconception is that Oscars are aggressive killers-- this is far from the truth!  They are just big, hungry fish that like to put things in their mouths (kind like todlers?).  When the Oscar goes to check out the Jewel and ends up getting too close, the Jewel will attack, leaving the Oscar pretty damaged, at which point, the Oscar may try to eat it to save itself.  If you even attempt it, look for a 125 gallon tank, as these fish absolutely need their space.

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