
Fish expertts!!!! helpp!!!

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I have a 1.5 (or something around there) tankk and i my mom says i should get a beta...but on some sites it says i need a 2-10 gallon tank!!!!

Do U Think That Would Be Big Enough?!?!???!?!


what other fish could i get for that small of a tank..?and how many would fit..and please make sure it's not hard to take care of!




  1. Bigger is better but a betta could live in  1.5 gallon tank =]

  2. u could keep male guppies or tetras in there but make sure the tetras are in schools of 6 and they are easy to look after and dont grow big either  

  3. It's big enough for Triops

  4. A 1.5 gallon tank is not suitable for any fish.  A betta needs a 5 gallon heated filtered tank to be healthy.  There is no fish that will live long in that small of a tank.


  5. Hey there. Is the tank 1.5 gallons or liters? 1.5 liters is much too small to keep anything in! 1.5 gallons is an ok size tank for a betta. Bigger is better but most people keep bettas in 1 gallon tanks and are ok with that. I don't think anything else will live in a 1.5 gallon tank. Most fish are active and would rather live in a bigger tank. You could get shrimps though!

  6. ok so i kept my betta perfectly fine in a one gallon. if you want, u can go with tropical fish also such as tetras. u could prolly put 5 or 6 in. i know sum ppl would say it's overcrowding, but i've never had probs with my fish until i listened to the 1 in to 1 gal rule. so i say go for it. bettas will be easier to take care of.  

  7. Well I would just keep one male betta only with no other fish since that is too much of a tiny tank also males can be aggressive so it's best to keep one betta

  8. Ive bred fighting fish EASY in a 1 gallon although theyre normal tank had more space

    now the smallest tank i have is about 7 gallons for killis and more

    you might be able to keep some killifish in that tank and breed them they come from puddles mostly i believe

    maybe a NOTHOBRANCHIUS RACHOVI or something they look really nice and although are harder to keep than tetras, they require less space. They are smaller tham most bettas

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