
Fish for 3months old baby?

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Fish for 3months old baby?




  1. If you are talking about feeding fish to a 3 month old baby, I would say that's a very bad idea.  Their little digestive systems aren't any where near ready for something like that.  In fact, you really shouldn't feed any solids to a baby until 6 months old.  But if you are set on it, start with something easier on their tummies like rice cereal, and make sure it is nice and runny, not thick.

  2. Definitely shouldn't feed a baby that young fish. You really shouldn't feed a baby that young anything other than breast milk. Ask your doctor. He or she will probably tell you no solids until six months.  

  3. i think you can wait till six months or maybe just a lillttle soup very lilttle at a time

  4. definitely no

  5. I'm not exactly sure what the question is. lol.

    Im guessing that you are asking 'what type of fish should I get for a 3 month old baby?'

    Here's my answer to that. lol.

    Get a beta fish! Just 1. They are great fish to have for little kids, because they live a lot longer than goldfish, they have nice colors, and they are easy to take care of.

    Only get one because they fight if you keep more than one together.

  6. Introduction of food too early can produce allergies.  Babies are supposed to have breast for at least the first six months.  When they reach over and take food off your plate and put it in their mouths, then they are ready to eat table foods.

  7. No, of course not. Read a book or do some research online.

  8. No you shouldn't feed anything other than formula/breastmilk to a 3 month old baby. When they get about 6 months you can start solids but no fish until after 1 year and then severely limit the amount because of mercury.

    If you're looking to get a pet fish for a 3 month old, I doubt they would be able to care for it so you would be stuck with the feeding, cleaning, etc. They probably wouldn't even pay any attention to it at all.

    If you're looking to trade a 3 month old baby for a fish... I can't help you with that.

  9. thats not much of a swap is it, disney would easily pay more for a cute baby.

  10. I think the World Health Organization advises babies to breast-fed _exclusively_ for the first 6 months of their life. That means breast milk only.

  11. for pets yes, food no

  12. If the question is whether or not your 3 month old should eat fish then I say no way!

    Our girls' pediatrician told us no fish at all until they're a year old.  I believe the concern is shellfish but he told me no fish period so we waited until they were a year before we gave them fish.

    They're 14 months old now and they like to eat cut up pieces of salmon that I have grilled for the family.

    I wouldn't feed a 3 month old any solid foods but I certainly wouldn't feed them fish.  Not at all!

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