
Fish for my fish tank and other things

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i have a 29 gallon fish tank with a sucker fish(i forgot how to spell the real name for it) a killi fish 2 skirt tail tetras and 4 neon tetras and a zebra diano (yeah i know i need more of some fish but they died) so i also have a platy and a corycatfish i also have a gorimia i need some cool fish for my tank and other stuff like clams and shirmp




  1. Two fish pairs I LOVE together, I think they look amazing alone but together they look awesome is a Black Ghost Knief and an Angelfish. Angelfish are pretty docile fish therefore can live with your  tetras, and the Black Ghost Knief are only aggressive to fish of their kind.

    Some Ghost Shrimp or Cherry Red (something like that) may be cool too. I'm not sure about clams.

  2. most of those fish school and need groups of 6+

    so get some more of them

  3. Get more of the tetras. & zebra danios. & a platy. Don't have more than 29 inches or fish though. You shouldn't excceed more than 1 in. of fish per every gallon.

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