
Fish for outdoor pond to eat mosquito larvae???

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I have a small outdoor container pond (40 g) that's been attracting mosquitoes this year. Last year I had used a chemical larvae killer (I grow aquatic plants in it) however I have tadpoles this year. The worker at my home and garden center suggested I get a fish to control the bugs so I do not hurt the tadpoles. The tads are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch in length. What kind of fish would be ideal? Water temp is in the high 70's in the shady area and low 80s in sun during the day - drops about 10 degrees in the night.




  1. 40 gallons isn't large enough for koi.  Maybe one or two goldfish would work, mosquito fish, guppies, platies, rosey reds, any fish really  will all eat mosquito larvae.  Just those tend to be more hardier with vast temperature differences.  They'll need to be brought inside in the winter time though, or when the water temperature starts to fall below the mid 60's.  

    Instead of a fish, if you put a filter or sprayer on there, or something that agitates the water surface, that's supposed to keep the mosquitoes from laying their eggs or whatever it is they do.  Because the larvae are at the surface, they need calm/still waters.

  2. mosquito fish

    they are cold water live bearers so they can reproduce fast and they love mosquito larvae

    koi need 1000 gallons

  3. i have a really big pond in my backyard and its full of goldfishies and it eats mosquito larva but becareful if you were to buy goldfishes because they sometimes attack each other

  4. Koi tend to be the most popular pond fish and they would eat the lava, just make sure that if you do get them, try to find smaller ones because they can get really big and if a tadpole could fit in its mouth, it may eat it.

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