
Fish (guppys)?

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Ok so i have 4 guppys. I think 3 of them are girls. Well one of them is pregnant and i think about to have her baby fish. Well the only problem with that is that i am going out of town for 2 days and leaving today. What should i do?? I dont want her to have the baby fish and the babies get sucked into the filter. Help me please. Thanks you.




  1. don't put your guppy in a breeder box and then leave for 2 days.  Bad idea to keep a guppy in a tiny trap for that length of time.

    You can cut off a piece of nylon stockings or cheese cloth and wrap it around the intake tube of your filter, secure it with a rubber band.

    This will allow your filter to continue to work and not suck up any baby fish along with it.

  2. FishStory is right.  Your best bet is to cover your filter intake with someting.  A piece of nylon or netting will work fine.  Putting her into a breeder box or something for that long is likely to stress her too much and may make her abort the fry or give birth prematurely.   Make sure you have lots of plants in the tank for the fry to hide in so that the adults don't eat them all.

  3. Put her in a bredders tank which is made so that when a fish is about to have her babies, the babies go through a slot and then they are in another compartment so they are safe from their mother. If you dont have a breeders box already I know that Petsmart sells them for like 3 bucks. Get one of those and put her in it and then once you come back from your vacation, you will have lots of babies!! :]]

    Hope i helped and Good luck!!

  4. You can use one of these.

  5. if you can't separate the babies from the mother, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that the fish are going to eat the babies - guppies are cannibalistic and will totally eat all the fry. Yes, you can put nylons over the intake of your filter, but the babies will still get eaten. one of the few ways to give them a chance for survival would be to put the mother in a net in a different 10g tank with no filter or gravel. the net should have holes in it that would be more than big enough for the babies to go through. The babies will go through the net and the mother will not be able to chase them. - this should be a floating net, kind of looks like a mini basketball hoop with the netting closed off on the end.

    If you can have live daphnia or something tiny in the tank for the babies to feed on, you'll have a higher success rate when you return.
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