
Fish help please!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im getting fishies =]] i dont know any good beginner fish, besides platies and bettas(i dont want a betta). i want to get about 3 or 4. any advice on the fish you say is a good beginner fish? any advice on platies?how much do i feed in a day? thanks!

i also am getting i think its a 15-40 (i really dont know) gallon tank from my cousin. her fish just died about a month ago, so i might buy it off her for like 15 bucks. i know all the supplies i need =]]





  1. well i have Mickey Mouse fish  (platies) there from the same family as the Guppy they mate like crazy if you get  a male and female, but i would reconmend for starters get some tetras (Neons,Cardinals) real nice looking fish, they school up and swim together  get 5 - 6 on them there not real big and won't get to big.. look at this  and good luck :D

  2. Cichlids are great, but it kinda depends on tank size. I would go with some african cichlids from the lake malawi. I have a 150 gallon that is full of them and their is never a dull moment. They are very hardy, colorful and a little aggressive well territorial at least. I have tried many kinds of fresh water fish but always go back to my cichlids. They live for like 14 years. With a smaller tank i would steer clear of central or south american varieties. Also loaches can be fun. Good luck and have fun!

  3. The first thing you need to do is clean the tank well and get it set up and cycled which takes about 4 to 6 weeks.  That gives you lots of time to decide what fish you would like to have.


  4. I do not recommend Ciclids, I just made that mistake I ended up with two that dominated the tank and kill everything I put in including algae eaters. But they are easy to care for. Platty's get along with guppies which are also live bearers and it will be easy to incorporate other non violent tropical fish later. If you clean the tank do not use chemicals or soaps vinegar will remove calcium build up you can scrub with it on a glass tank. If it is acrylic (plastic) than you will have to soak it it vinegar water solution, scrubbing will only scratch the acrylic. Then rinse it a lot. If at all possible don't reuse decorations they are hard to clean and things like shells still contain sea salt that will kill fish.  
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