
Fish leaning at the bottom side of aquarium!?

by Guest59723  |  earlier

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What should I do? It's a koi or a carp. Recently I added sharks and tinfoils and just yesterday, it acted weirdly, always staying at the side leaning, almost lying down flat to the aquarium, it looks like its dead but its not. When disturbed it rises up but still return to the same position later. The aquarium is kinda foggy. pls help!




  1. this could be a swim bladder infection from adding other fish.

    sometimes salt baths help with this problem but carp have different tolerences to this. five mins max and less if the fish shows signs of distress. not really a good aquarium fish would do much better in a sutable pond .

    i should add that unless your experienced in carp salt baths shouldnt be attempted. instead try seperating the fish and adding salt at a rate of 1 or 2 % using a salt test kit. this will act as a tonic and will inhabit any bacteria that might be present. leave it in there for a week and see if it helps but bladder problems are unspecific so this dont always work.

    i doubt its water quality probs because carp are hardy fish and the other fish would prob show simtoms first.

  2. buy a payara

  3. Change 50% of the water now. You are going through a cycle, good bacteria is growing, since you just added more fish. You probably have super high ammonia levels, which are poisoning your fish.

    Change the water, then go out to the nearest pet shop and buy a liquid test kit for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Check those levels daily. Those substances are bad for fish in high levels.

    If ammonia or nitrites get higher than .25 parts per million (ppm), do a water change to dilute.

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