
Fish lifespan?

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How long can a goldfish last in a normal, unfiltered fish bowl? Are there any other fishes better than goldfishes that last longer?

Lastly, in a few weeks, I will be going away for 4 days. Any suggestions for what I should do with the fish while I'm away?




  1. 1) Not very long. Fish produce a lot of waste, which releases toxins that will harm them in a bowl. They do best in atleast 10 gallons or more of filtered and aerated water. The only fish that can live in a bowl is a betta, but they prefer larger tanks aswell.

    2) Ask a friend or family member to feed it for you.

  2. A goldfish in a bowl doesn't live long, a gold fish in a tank with a filter lives longer. The best fish to put in a glass bowl with a plant and pretty gravel/rock is a betta. They can thrive in bowls but are happier in tanks too.

    You can buy one of those fizzing things to keep the oxygen in the bowl (Called Bowl Buddies or something like that, I believe it's only for Betta's though) and you can also get one of those things like a weekend feeder. It's like a little chunk of white food (shaped like a fish or something) just drop it in and it'll feed the fish while you're away.

    Again, a tank would be better. A little 3 gallon costs about 50 bucks at PetSmart, and usually comes with Tetra/Goldish feeding and a sample of AquaSafe, not a terribly bad deal.

  3. I have a solution. Go to PetSmart or Petco or a local aquarium store. Ask them for a long-term/weekend fish food pellet. They come in white pellets, that you put in your fish tank and it dissolves and continually releases food for 3 days. There are other ones for four days, 10 days, 14 days, and seven days. Goldfish in a bowl at most live 4 years. PLEASE DONT KEEP IT IN A BOWL!!! Goldfish NEED at least a 15 gallon tank with a power filter and an aerator. If it is a moor goldfish then 8 gallons approx. is okay, 4 gallon tank minimum for comets. But Tanks are needed, a bowl is bad. You need a tank to insure that your goldfish lives a long, happy, healthy, stress-free life. In a bowl, betta fish live longer than goldfish. I have no idea at all why anyone would rather put a goldfish, which are quite plain looking and do very badly for only four years in a bowl, as opposed to bettas which are beautiful reds and blues and blacks and purples, that look very unique and can live 6 years. Bettas do best in bowls. Get a betta from an aquarium store.

  4. not to long maby a yer 2 if your lucky.

  5. it really depends how well you take care of it. sometimes they can live for quite a while. but if you don't take care if it very well they can only live for a couple of days, or a week. ( i would clean it the bowl once a week or so)

    You can get a weekend feeder. You can buy them at a pet store. once you get one, you can break a piece of it. try and estimate what you think will last for 4 days, the feeder will disslove once you've put it in water. and there you go!!

    good luck!!!!

  6. Like the maximum size, the lifespan of goldfish is also variable. The record is 43 years, but it is uncommon for goldfish to live this long. Goldfish usually live quite long when kept in large aquarium or outdoor ponds, up to 15 to 20 years is

    In smaller or heated aquarium, a lifespan of five to ten years is quite achievable

    Armored Catfish - 7 to 15 years

    Bala Shark - 10 years

    Bandit Cory - 5 years

    Banjo Cat - 7 to 15 years

    Banjo Catfish - 5 to 8 years

    Black Neon Tetra - 5 years

    Black Phantom Tetra - 5 years

    Black Shark - 4 to 10 years

    Black Tetra - 5 years

    Black Widow Tetra - 5 years

    Blackfin Cory - 5+ years

    Bleeding Heart Tetra - 5 years

    Blindcave Fish - 5+ years

    Bloodfin Tetra - 10+ years

    Blue Gourami - 4 years

    Boesman Rainbow - 5 years

    Bronze Cory - 5 years

    Bumble Bee Catfish - 5 to 8 years

    Cardinal Tetra - 4 years

    Cherry Barb - 5 to 7 years

    Chocolate Gourami - 4 years

    Clown Loach - 15+ years

    Columbian Tetra - 5 years

    Congo Tetra - 5 years

    Convict - 10 to 18 years

    Diamond Tetra - 5 years

    Discus - 10 to 18 years

    Dojo Loach - 10 years

    Dwarf Gourami - 4 years

    Emperor Tetra - 6 years

    Festivum - 10+ years

    Figure 8 Puffer - 5 years

    Firemouth - 10 to 15 years

    Frontosa - 8 to 15 years

    Giant Danio - 5 to 7 years

    Glass Catfish - 8 years

    Glassfish - 8 years

    Glowlight Tetra - 5 years

    Goldfish - 10 to 30 years

    Guppy - 3 to 5 years

    Harlequin - 6 years

    Hatchetfish - 5 years

    Hog Nose Brochis - 10 years

    Honey Gourami - 4 years

    Jack Dempsey - 10 to 18 years

    Jordan's Catfish - 10+ years

    Killifish - 1 to 2 years

    Kissing Gourami - 5 years

    Lemon Tetra - 5 years

    Leopard Danio - 5 to 7 years

    Leporinus - 5+ years

    Livingstoni - 10+ years

    Midas Cichlid - 15+ years

    Mollie - 4 years

    Moonlight Gourami - 4 years

    Neon Rainbow - 3 to 4 years

    Neon Tetra - 5 to 10 years

    Oscar - 10 to 18 years

    Otocinclus - 5 years

    Pacu - 10 years

    Pearl Danio - 5 years

    Pearl Gourami - 4 years

    Pictus Catfish - 8 years

    Piranha - 10 years

    Platy - 3 to 5 years

    Pleco - 7 to 15 years

    Rafael Catfish - 7 to 15 years

    Rainbow Shark - 4 to 10 years

    Rams - 4 years

    Rasboras - 5 to 10 years

    Red Eye Tetra - 5 years

    Red Rainbow - 5 years

    Red Tailed Catfish - 15 years

    Redtail Shark - 8 years

    Rosy Barb - 5 years

    Royal Pleco - 10+ years

    Rummy Nose Tetra - 5 to 10 years

    Rumy Nose Tetra - 5 years

    Severum - 10 to 18 years

    Silver Dollar - 10+ years

    Silvertip Tetra - 5 years

    Swordtails - 3 to 5 years

    Texas Cichlid - 10+ years

    Tiger Barb - 6 years

    Tigerfish - 5 years

    Tinfoild Barb - 10 years

    Upside Down Catfish - 5 years

    Weather Loach - 10 years

    Whiptail - 10+ years

    White Cloud Mountain Minnow - 5 to 7 years

    Zebra Cichlid - 10+ years

    Zebra Danio - 5 years

    You can ask a friend , mom or dad or you sibling to take care of it while your gone

    gold fish will last longer in a fish tank than  a bowl

  7. Any fish in a bowl will not live to their expected years of life- except maybe a beta if you clean the bowl at least once a week and do water changes everyday.

    Goldfish:10-20(ish) years if cared for properly.

    Advise? Don't even bother getting a fish if all your going to do is put it in a bowl.

  8. Fish Bowl!!!!

    depends how big it is but sing the max is 2 gallons no fish would last long except a beta but you have to clean it every day but dont put any other fish cuz a beta is a japanese fighter fish and will try to kill everything but you can also put 2 snails but they might not last long. also you dont realy have to do anything with the fish when you go away they will just be starved.

  9. Goldfish will not live longer than 2 year, when if it was to be given proper care, he could liev 10-20 years in a 20+ gallon tank! You neeed to move the goldfish into a tank or ot will die because its growth will be stunted only its internal organs will continue to grow untill either its organs stop working OR its organs rupture. Either way ending in a slow painfull death. A betta fish is MUCH better than a goldfish and can live in an unfiltered bowl as long as you are consistant with water changes, but a betta would do better in a small filtered and heated tank. Just DO NOT get a goldfish and out it in a bowl!

  10. whooaa hold up there... Bowls are a no-no.

    a goldfish can grow up to a foot long and it is considered inhumane and cruel to keep a goldfish in a bowl. (some countries have banned common goldfish bowls)

    One goldfish needs a minimum of 20 gallons, and its an extra 10 gallons for every other goldfish you add. (3 goldfish= 40 gallons)

    Goldfish are extremely messy fish and would need a very good filter (or two!) because with so much waste the ammonia levels would get very high and they could be poisoned from their own p**p. D:

    They will also need an air pump to get oxygen and

    add a light ;)

    That is really all a goldfish needs. You could add some plants and such but goldfish will nibble on the plants so they wont last very long.

    A goldfish in the right conditions could live up to 30 years or so.

    A goldfish in a bowl MIGHT live to be 2 years.

    I would reccommend a betta.

    They can survive in small tanks, but need a minimum of 2.5 gallons of heated filtered water.

    Add some plants and bam!

    You got yourself a happy betta

    Bettas usually live around 4 years but some have lived to be 7. I think the record was 9 years.

    Ask a friend, family member or neighbor to feed your fish while your gone.

    You could also give them a little cash to make it worthwhile ;)

    Good luck
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