
Fish preservation?

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Fish preservation?




  1. There are many types of fish preservation techniques.

    1)Simplest one would be freezing. Either by just freezing the fish alone, or adding liquid/brine to the fish to be froze together. The frozen water/brine will then act as airtight protector to the fish.

    2) curing

    adding salt to the fish

    3) drying/smoking

    to reduce the moisture content of the fish

    4) vacuum pack

    pack in container/plastic bag without the presence of air

    5) canning

    There would be some other methods too other than what i've listed.

    But it all depends on the type of fish, what would you like to do with the fish (way of consuming), and how long you would like it to last.

  2. Air drying is the best preservative in every way-  It cost's nothing it last's forever it is easiest to do (operate) it is nutritionally as potent as all other preservative's it's the easiest to learn and to efficiently pracftice it's environmentally sound and in fact the  best greenie, (non polluter in any way) it keeps all specie's of fish consistently sustainable all society's historically that eat air dried fish have had the best ecological, environmental and genetically illuminative response., there are thousand's of way's to dry fish beside's sunshine wind and quantum pressure.

  3. Making sure that enough adult fish survive to reproduce.  Can you please be more vague on this one?

    Do you really have a question?  You really need to be specific and complete to expect others to help you.  Otherwise, this is just a waste of time.

  4. Depending on your area you also have the option of harvest as needed. That is a real problem though if you have to deal with winter ice especually if you plan to farm fish.

  5. In biology and fisheries we preserve fish using alcohol or formalin.  The alcohol in in the form of ETOH.  Depending on the species and the desired length of keeping the sample from 90 to 100 percent ETOH.  

    The formalin is usually about 30 to 40 percent.   Formalin can also be buffered for use with very young fish or fragile species and specimens used for teaching labs  Formalin has many health concerns for humans.  Make sure you are well trained in the use of formalin before using it.  Also, in America there are a bunch of rules and regs about the use and disposal of formalin.
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