
Fish problem!! Help!!

by  |  earlier

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my friend has left me in charge of her house while she's away. I've just been round there and she has two medium sized fantails in a 15l baby biorb. the water is so green/brown cloudy you can hardly see. the pump looks c**p too. I don't want the fish to die on my watch! She's cycling her tank as I remeber her telling me she bought the first fish (2 weeks ago). I don't know why she got 2 fish, i told her not too.

What shall I do? I have got some testing kits at home. shall i test the water and do a small water change. Its her problem I know but I don't want them to die on my watch! The water is discusting. Its like theres no pump at all!




  1. call your friend and ask for advice

  2. Do a water change, but get water conditioner! Try cleaning the pump then. Definitley do a test with your kits!! HOpe I helped!

  3. find some one who knows how to change the tank.

  4. do a water partial water change straight away and stop feeding for a few days. maybe they are being fed too much which pollutes the water
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