
Fish problems...please help!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought a goldfish the other day and today when i woke up i noticed it had something like a spot on it's bottom lip! It's white and is nearly the size of it's lip! My goldfish is only small, and i'm worried the white stuff it's dangerous!! Could someone tell what it is... p.s i'm not sure it is a spot, i'm just describing it like a spot.

And another thing it is also has a white patch near the back of it's body and another smaller one on the other side!

I'm really worried so could someone tell what these are and what i should do! Thanks everyone..




  1. It sounds like your goldfish has Ick.  You need to go to a pet store and ak someone there about getting the medicine you put in tank to cure it.

  2. it can be the ick i dont know what to do but look it up.

  3. Sounds like Ich. Here is a page that helps with diagnosing symptoms

  4. Ur goldfish got a diesease called ick, good thing that u saw it first and right on time, ick can be easily treatable all u need is some medicines and thats all.

    From my knowledge ick cures up within 10 days if given proper care. Go to ur petstore and ask for ick medicines they will give u the medicines and follow the directions of the medicines and within 10 days ur goldfish will be cured and there will be no spots. Put ur goldfish in a quarentine tank and always do 20% water change every 3 days.

    PS: Try to cure as soon as possible. For more information search the internet on ick cure in goldfish.

  5. sounds like an infection, get a broad spectrum antibiotic and follow the directions...

    however, there has to be a cause. you''ll need to fix the problem or it will keep coming back. please give more info

    what size is your tank?


    tank mates?

    did you cycle the tank (more than letting it sit for a day before adding the fish, if you don't know what it is you didn't do it).


    what your describing does NOT sound like ich. ich is a parasite and looks like grains of salt all over the fins and body, not patches the size of his lip.

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