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when i went to the pet store i wanted to get a golfish and put it in a bowl but the guy said that the golfish cant go in a bowl.

can a goldfish live in a plain bowl with no filer pump?????




  1. Yes....Goldfishes are like roaches,,,literally as long as they have something to eat they live forever....

    You can keep it in anything....I suggest a clear bowl though, just so the fish doesnt go insane : )

    that guy was yank'n your chain

  2. Hi Emily-well done not only for asking this important question but for actually finding a pet store employee that tells the truth!

      Goldfish need a minimum of 10 gallons PER FISH in a rectangular tank with a fitted lid & a good filter. You also need to get a master test kit to monitor your water quality which is at an all time low for the first 6 to 8 weeks of setting up a new tank-this is why many die prematurely.

  3. Gold fish will do better with a filter since they tend to make the water very dirty with their waste.

    If you want a fish that can go in a bowl, try a betta, or even better a dwarf gourami. Dwarf gouramis tolerate a wider range of water temps than bettas do.

  4. Yes a gold fish can go in just a glass bowl without a filter, but considering they're not the cleanest of fish, they are better in a 2-5 gallon tank with a carbon filter and bio wheel.

    If you keep your friend in a bowl you may have to clean it every other day, which gets kinda annoying and stressful to the fish.

    If you can handle a fish in a glass bowl for a month, I would upgrade him. He'll be happy!

  5. no they die faster when the water in not filltred

    only bettas can live without a filter

  6. A plain bowl will be hard to clean. If you want a pet you should make sure you have the means to give it a great, long life; not just something adequate because you decide you want a pet on a whim.

  7. No. Goldfish will quickly pollute the water in a bowl. They need at least 10 gallons per fish with good filtration. Read about aquariums before you get one.

  8. One goldfish requires a 20 gallon tank with good filtration and 10 more gallons for each additional fish.  

    Kudos to another pet store employee will to lose a sale for the sake of the fish!


  9. No. Goldfish are very messy fish and require a bare minimum of 20 gallons. The smallest variety of goldfish grows to 6 inches in size. forcing them into a small space will stunt thier growth and singnifigantly shortan thier lifespan. Goldfish can live up 25 years or more under the rite surcomstances. No fish will survive in a bowl without pumps unless you do larg daily water changes(especially not a goldfish). If you want fish a recomend getting a real tank with real filters.

  10. no  not at all. i had a goldfish in a 10 gal. at first it was a small feeder only 2 inches but it quickly grew to 7 inches! plus not even plecos could keep up with the mess it made. i put 1 in 1 day and it died 2 days later.i had to change the water every day. so the answer is no. the are too big and too messy.
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