
Fish quiz?

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5 questions winner gets best answer

1 do bettas need heaters

2 whats a good tank size for 5 fancy goldfish

3 are white cloud mountain minnows tropical

4 should all fish have heaters

5 what are glo-fish




  1. 1. Bettas should have temp of at least 78 degrees

    2 Fancy goldfish should have 20 gallons for the first one and 10 gallon for each additional one so a 50 gallon "breeder tank would be best.

    3 White cloud mountain minnows were captured in the White Cloud Mountain of China By some boy Scouts. They do not need a heater but they will survive and be alright as long as you do not crank up the heat to over 76 or so.

    4  No, some fish including goldfish do not need heaters unless you live where their water would freeze solid.

    5 Glow fish are zebra danios that have been genetically modified with the gene of either a jellyfish or an anemone

  2. they dont "need" them, but it is highly recomended

    100 gallons?

    no they are not

    they should, if u want good water quality for them

    glo fish are genetically enhanced danios

    howd i do?

  3. 1. it depends, where do you live? if your room temp same as mine (27 C) you don't need any heaters

    2. it depends on what size of your 5 fancy goldfish, if you've plan to max grow them you need biggest size you can afford, est 100 gal

    3. no, it coldwater

    4. it depends, what kind of fishes? betta don't need any

    5. it's a glass fishes injected with some hormone so they're colourful, thailand is the best known for this skill, it's common for they breeders or fish traders to make glass colour fish or glass colour catfish

  4. 1. Depends on the room temp at your house. Mine is in a comfy rane for the bettas. If it is above 85 or below 13 then get a heater.

    2.50 gallons

    3. no, coldwater

    4. No I have found bettas can do fine without filters.

    5. Geneticaly modified fish that have pink or yellow or green colors. They have mixed genes with jellyfish.

  5. 1) If you want healthy fish, yes

    2)1000 gallon POND

    What KIND of fancy goldfish?

    3)yes, they are

    4) yes, they should... AHEM... even Bettas...

    5)"The GloFish is a trademarked brand of genetically modified (GM) fluorescent zebrafish with bright red, green, and orange fluorescent color. Although not originally developed for the ornamental fish trade, it is the first genetically modified animal to become publicly available as a pet." - Wikipedia

  6. 1. Do bettas need heaters. - Depends on the room and the steady room temps. A heater is always good to avoid temp swings, which in turn can stress the fish and invite disease.

    2. whats a good tank size for 5 fancy goldfish - 75 gallons

    3. No, but they are cooler water fish not cold water fish.

    4. Yes again to avoid temp swings, either that or heating the whole room to the right temp for the type of tropical fish.

    5. Glo-fish are fish that  are a product of  zebra danios's embryos being genetically modified with genes from certain marine creatures.

  7. 1 if youre breeding them

    2. 55 gallon well depending on size*grown 55 gallon*




  8. 1) Bettas do not need heaters, but it is ok to have them in a tank that is warm...they are tropical and do better in heated aquariums.

    2) Fancy Goldfish...are cold water fish...and are considered "dirty" fish due to the waste these guys put out.  They usually do best in small ponds with great filtration.

    However, I would do 10 - 20 Gallon minimum per with 5 Fancy Goldfish...bout 50 gallon minimum, while small, and up to 100 Gallon minimum when grown.  Fancy Goldfish can get up to 8 inches or bigger and can live for a long time.

    3) White Cloud Mountain Minnows are not tropical in the sense of what we think as tropical fish.  They like it a bit colder than most true tropical fish.

    4a) No, not all fish should have fact Goldfish are cold water fish...and even White Cloud Minnows can live in colder water than what tropical fish normally do.

    4b)  Not ALL fish need filters, but it only aids them in living long and thriving.  Fish like Bettas and even Gourami have the labyrinth organ to keep them alive in water with low oxygen content.  So no they dont, but it will improve their livelyhood.  Most other fish on the other hand need some type of filter system in place.

    5)  Glo-fish are usually Zebra Danios as a result of injecting dye into the eggs...and they usually keep the color injected.  Mostly neon colors are, green, blue, and I have even seen purple and yellow used.  There is also Glow light tetras, but these fish naturally have an orange stripe.  Either way, the GLO-fish seem to be popular and there is a lot of debate whether it is right or not to alter fish for profit and decoration..

    Best of Luck!

  9. 1 bettas need warm water around 78 deg as far as heater would depend on what they were kept in in a standard tank yes in a bowl or small 1 gallon tank no the use the room and a light to heat the water

    2 .the gold fish when full grown would need between a 60 and 90 gallon tank

    3 white clouds are concedered tropical even though they can handle cooler water temps than most tropicals

    4 all fish no all tanks yes I make this difference because to say all fish should have filters means we need to put pilters in the oceans lakes and streams

    5 . a glow fish is a zebra danio that has been genticly enhanced for their color

  10. 1bettas need heaters if u want em healthy

    2 55gallon

    3 coldwater

    4 yes

    5 fishes thatre suppose to glo and show lovely colors on them

  11. 1.  Yes they do.

    2.  50 gallons (10 gallons per fish).

    3.  Yes they are.

    4.  Yes.

    5.  They are Zebra Danios that were genetically modified to be brightly colored.

  12. 1. no

    2. about 20 to 30 gallons (p.s., this is an opinion.)

    3. yes

    4. not all of them

    5. fish that have bioluminecent bacteria in them for protection
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