
Fish tank question please help!

by  |  earlier

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I have a 30 gal tank with 1 fish, the fish is about 1/2 pound and I have gravel and pebble on the bottom, the water is normal and clear, but recently I see some kind of species around the gravel. it's really small, same size of human hair and they they walk around the gravel,there are thousand of them. I dont know if it harmful or what?.




  1. Are they white or very light brown(very light brown)?They will not hurt anything,you need to do water changes(from bottom)more often.

                                              Debbie O

  2. Weird. It sounds like bacteria, fungus, parasites, or baby's! I'd buy some bacteria/fungus/parasite treatment.

    I have some things similar to this on the sides of one of my tanks.

  3. shrimp snails

    probably came with your fish or live plants by accident  

  4. its harmful alrite,its parisites mostly but even its other worms when they dieout your filter will get infested with its bacteria of that species and could be very deadly even to you when u clean the filtration.use chemical warfare to getrid of them fast.

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