
Fish that go well with a green spotted puffer?

by  |  earlier

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I used to have 2 puffer fish but one died. I am looking for another interesting fish to put with my 1 puffer, but I don't know what will go well with it.




  1. I beg to differ with the person who suggested to ask at the petstore.

    most of the salespersons there are either non-hobbyists or they have different setups than you, (for example I'm into bettas, and I'm confident I can give good advice on them, but I'm totally useless on puffers). so I'd ask online to some experts/hobbyists - try cheers :)

  2. Well until your puffer is an adult and moved into marine waters, nothing. Once it has, only fish its size. Make sure to research compatibility. I heard tomato clowns can go with them, but I am no expert on marine life, so don't hold me on that one! Here is a compatibility chart-

  3. try monos, archer fish, scats these are all brackish water fish and would do well with a puffer. depending on the size of the puffer. all the fish I mentioned getr six to eight inches and are very active the only one that is a fin nipper is the scat but properly cared for they will stick to themselves. It also depends on the tank size. you should have at least  a 55 gal. tank. the puffer I believe also gets fairly large. So a large tank should already be on your mind.

  4. Dude just ask the person at the pet store they would know.

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