
Fish that look like sharks.....?

by  |  earlier

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I was wanting a bala shark, but then saw some picture of them full grown and they don't really look like a shark. Do the rainbow or red tail shark look similar to a real shark, or are there any other fish that are fairly easy to take care of that look like sharks?




  1. I have Bala Sharks and a Redtail Shark.

    The Redtail kind of looks like a mixture of shark and catfish.  Either way, he is cool and seems to be one of the more dominate fish in the tank.

    The reason most of these fish are called sharks is because of their rather similar shape to a shark, even though they are not sharks in reality.

    The Balas do get big.  The Redtail Shark is not going to get anywhere near the size of the Bala Sharks adult size.  But beware, where Balas are best in groups, the Redtail is best as the only one of his species in the tank.

    Best of Luck!

  2. the rainbow and redtail neither one really resemble a shark

    about the cloest fish to resemble a shark is the iridesent shark but I must warn you they get very very big

  3. Well Bala sharks are more of a giant minnow than a shark. They are schooling fish and get huge. Think 6 foot tank for a couple of adult Balas.

    Red tail and Rainbow sharks are also vaugely shark shaped, hence their name.

    They dont grow as big as Bala sharks (maybe 6" max) so are better suited to a medium size tank. They are semi-agressive, so keep them with similar sized fish, and only one per tank. They can be very aggressive amoungst themselves.


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