
Fishing from the side of the canal, where can you get a day pass?

by  |  earlier

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Straw poll though, how many people actually buy a day permit and on any given evening what is the likelyhood of being stopped by a inland waterway agent and asked for money?




  1. Try British Waterways.

    I think it is most unlikely that you would be questioned by a BW guy - they don't even bother to pick up the unlicenced boats out on the canals.

    Don't try it in a Marina, though.

  2. Get a day pass on line.  Can't remember the actual site but if you google fishing permit you will find it.  So cheap, why risk not having one?  You will be surprised at how often checks are made.  Better safe than sorry.

  3. Most streches of the canal you can get a day ticket on the bank,but you still need an Environment Agency Rod Licence.

  4. just get a fishing licence from the post office, its about 20 a year but if your cought without one they can take your tacle away. then just take a fiver or so with you incase the balif catches you. alot of canals are free too fish unless there privately managed

  5. UK post office i think

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