i've been fishing for about a year now, but i have yet to catch a bass, so i wanna ask in a lake or a large pond, should i cast my lure to the middle of the lake or the shore? i used to cast my lure to thick water grass, but i lost many spinners so i decided to not do that anymore.
how does it feel when a bass strike the lure, is it really obvious? cuz all i catch are crappies and they dont really put up a fight, so i might have let go of some basses cuz i didn't know they strike.
i know this depends on the weather, the fish and my skills, but what is the best kind of lure to catch bass in your opinion? i use worms, spinners, crankbaits and somtime spoons. its kinda discourage when i keep casting and try to crank my bait or slow down the worm and still nothing bait.
btw im from northeast ohio, if that help answer some of my questions.
any other tips are welcome, thanks!